If you look deep into your heart, into your soul what is it that you truly want? Seriously think about it. I will wait.
I just read that opening line again and a song lyric popped into my head. “Tell me what you want, what your really, really want” by the Spice Girls. YES, I had to look that up! Sorry… I digress!
How many answers have you come up with? One? Three? Five? Zero?
Do you operate in fear mode most of the time? Do you tend to get comfortable in your little blue kayak and worry that if you make a change, any change that you will rock the boat and get tossed into the angry ocean like a rag doll?
Being comfortable in your kayak is fine if all you want is comfort. I think as a species we are way more complicated than that. I believe we grow more when we embracing change AND choosing joy. Change is messy, it is hardt it and it gets us out of the comfort zone and off of the couch. That is how we grow, how we improve and how we become better human beings.
As of January 1, 2021, I will officially be a business owner. How cool is that? I have filed all of the papers, opened the bank account, and obtained my Employer Identification Number. I am learning an accounting program where I can also create invoices and researching APPS to track my mileage. I still have to figure out how to collect and track sales tax and file that information with the government. But Nors Chores is official!
Learning something new is hard. You have to get through the awkward stage of being a beginner, of not knowing what you are doing, of failing regularly. You have to get comfortable making mistakes, of asking questions, of doing things over. I realized something about myself recently, I find it difficult to learn new things. Not because I don’t have the smarts to learn them but because I don’t want to put myself in that awkward, beginner stage. To put it in a nutshell – I don’t want to fail.
When stuck in a rut, we go through the motions of living but we don’t feel engaged or truly alive. We get up, go to work, and take care of the things that need taking care of but we are drained and exhausted all of the time. Life feels monotonous and each day feels pretty much like another. Does this sound familiar?
Do you remember the feeling when you step outside of your comfort zone? The little bit of anxiety that feels like full-blown fear? Your palms get a little sweaty, your heart beats a little fast and your mind is either completed cluttered or eerily vacant. Often times we get cold feet at this point and run back to the security of the rut. But other times, we push through this feeling, and our mind becomes engaged, our body feels lighter and we begin to feel very much alive. Don’t run back to the rut – It is time to kick fear out of the way!
Sometimes things seem scarier than they really are!