In my last post, The Power of Changing Your Beliefs, I talked about the importance of eating real food as a key component to solve the health puzzle. Eating right has become a habit when I am at home, cooking for myself and my honey. It isn’t hard to do and it causes me no stress.
This week, I will be traveling and that can easily disrupt my good eating habits. Can you relate? I mean, not having access to my go to snacks means I get too hungry and that can throw all of my good intentions out of the window. Going out to eat several times in one week makes it hard to choose health. If I don’t watch out, I will start ordering fries deep fried in a vat of vegetable oil. I will forget to “hold the roll” with my burger or order some delicious sounding pizza made with white flour and sugar. This will cause my sugar cravings to go into overdrive and my good habits will get derailed quicker than you can say “chocolate cone with chocolate sprinkles”!