Not Throwing in the Towel… YET

I know, I know; it has been a minute (or almost a year) since I last posted on my blog. For a year or so before that, my posts dwindled from once a week to once a month. What can I say, I have no excuse, it just hasn’t been a priority. Traditionally writing here has been my therapy, a way of working things out by jotting them down. It isn’t that I haven’t needed therapy but I think the things I have needed to work out over the last few years I didn’t want to share on the internet! You know what I mean? Believe it or not, I am kind of a private person.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I still don’t feel like I have much to say but I am not quite ready to throw in the towel on My Little Blue Kayak. My current plan is to keep things going for another year, posting occassionally and then have a friend help me transition it to a free site where I can continue to write but just for me. My biggest priority is not to lose the content that I have worked hard to create since 2016. I still enjoy reading my old posts and looking at the fun pictures.

I have learned a lot creating a website and writing on the blog. I learned it is hard to gain new skills but it is incredibly rewarding. Every step initially seemed like torture and I was ready to throw in the towel every time I logged onto the site. Each step I took brought me back to the beginner level of skill development and that is a frustrating place to be. I look back on some of those steps and can chuckle at myself that I found it hard and frustrating. Now they seem so easy.

That is what happens when we get off of the couch and try new things. I would venture to guess that is why we keep our tuckus’ on the couch in the first place. Nobody likes to be a beginner, struggling to do the easy initial steps. Nobody likes to not understand how to do something that others find easy. Nobody likes to feel foolish and incompetent. But that is how we learn, how we grow, how we improve as human beings.

I have no regrets developing this website and creating this blog. It has been a frustrating and challenging experience. Not only did I learn to navigate “Bluehost” and “WordPress” but I feel like I improved my coaching skills, my writing skills and my communication skills. I even learned a bit about myself and that will help me in all future endeavors. Let’s get off the couch and stretch out brains to learn new skills. You never know what we can learn!

My Little Blue Kayak has given me a voice to share my view of how to manage this one beautiful life that I get to live. As I continue to make one good decision after another in pursuit of my health, wealth and happiness I will be thinking about all of you doing the same. Yeah Us!

Lake Girl

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