Last week my post Getting Energized was about my learning to appreciate that I am not a people person and recognizing that this is OK!. It also got me thinking, what else gets me energized or saps my energy. Everybody is different and what may give me a burst of oomph my drain you to the point of exhausted tears.
Month: June 2016
Getting Energized
I am not one of these people.

20 Lessons My Dog is Teaching Me
I adopted my dog, Fenway, when she was just 4 months old from a shelter in Eastern Massachusetts. She and her siblings had been abandoned in a box by the side of the road. She will turn 8 next month and is starting to turn grey (like me) but she still thinks she is a puppy! She is 25 pounds of pure joy. Continue reading “20 Lessons My Dog is Teaching Me”
What is Lurking in Your Kitchen?
Growing up in Central New York, I am surrounded by farm country. I pass more cows, corn fields and farms than cars on my morning commute. We like to think most of our food is grown by our local farmer who sells his product to the local supermarket. Unless you are shopping at the farmer’s market or have joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) your food is grown by GIANT corporations.