Luck Has Nothing To Do With It!

At this exact moment in time, I am grateful.

I am grateful for my honey, for my mom, for my sisters and brothers. I am grateful for my nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. I am grateful for my amazing friends that I have known forever as well as for the news ones that I have only met recently. I am grateful for the unconditional love of my dog without whom life would be blah.

I don’t believe I have amazing people in my life because I am lucky. They are in my life because we have been there for each other through good times and bad. When life gets complicated and sticky; I don’t run.  I compromise, I offer my assistance, I reach out for help; but I don’t run. Having people you can count on and who can count on you is critical for maximizing health.

We are better together

So today, at this exact moment, I express my gratitude for the people I rely on and who rely on me. Thank you to my family and friends for being there for me. Thank you Fenway!

At this exact moment in time, I am grateful.

I am grateful to have a roof over my head, clean clothes on my body and a big, comfy bed. I am grateful for a job that pays my bills, an IRA that is growing and a car that keeps on running. I don’t believe I have these things because of good luck. I have these things because Mother Fran and Dad taught me to be financially responsible, to save and to spend wisely. Having strong finances is critical for building wealth.

If only I had one of these – that would be lucky…

So today, at this exact moment, I express my gratitude for my parents who gave me a good financial base and for the power of compound interest. I am grateful to be debt free! Thanks Mom and Dad.

At this exact moment in time, I am grateful.

I am grateful for my common sense, for my flexibility, for my ability to remain calm in a crisis. I am grateful for my empathy, for my compassion and for my ability to take calculated risks. I don’t believe I possess these strengths because I am lucky. I have these abilities because I was raised by parents and mentored by amazing people who taught me to look beyond my own needs.  I possess these abilities because I do the personal development required to continually challenge myself to grow. One does not grow while hanging out in the comfort zone.

So today, at this exact moment, I am grateful for the people in my life who pushed me out of my comfort zone. Thank you teachers, close friends and authors of self help and personal development books.  Thank you to former bosses that pushed me to anticipate needs, complimented my abilities and encouraged me to do more. Thank you to the bloggers who have written amazing content on personal finance, health, wealth and happiness!

Is it time to make a change?

At this exact moment in time, I am grateful.

At this exact moment in time, I am grateful. I am grateful for those who provide for my safety. I am grateful for the soldiers, the veterans, the police officers, the firemen and women for risking their lives so that we can be safe. Thank you!

It is easy to give good luck the credit for our success and bad luck the blame for our difficulties. I am not convinced in the power of luck.

I am not relying on luck

I am convinced that recognizing the positive impact that others have had on my life is critical for my overall happiness. I am convinced that saying thanks only takes a second.

So today, at this exact moment, I am grateful.

What are you grateful for?

Lake Girl

Thank you!

Thank you to for the pictures!!!

4 thoughts on “Luck Has Nothing To Do With It!”

  1. Among many other things, I am grateful to have you in my life as a “new” friend. AND, as I settle in for the night in the Shenandoah Natl Park, I’m seriously grateful to YOU as the guardian of my house and affairs while I travel. Having your blog to read is like taking a friendship along,

  2. I, too, am grateful for my family, friends and animal. But I would say that it was LUCK that landed you and I in familes where we could grow and be loved and taught. We need to all remember that many people start out with huge disadvantages like genetic predisposition to illness, addiction, or learning disabilities or they are raised in dysfunctional, abusive, neglectful or addicted families. It is hard to gain self worth, resilience, appreciation and a sense of control under these circumstances.

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