I have never thought of myself as a procrastinator. I am the type of person who likes to get things done and get them done on time, if not early. I don’t like the feeling of being late or letting someone down because I didn’t do my part. In college one of my best friends was a procrastinator. She would have a 10 page paper to write and start her paper at 10PM the night before it was due. Her boyfriend and I would stress out for her! I don’t know if she did her best work under pressure or really didn’t want to do it in the first place. But she simply couldn’t prioritize finishing her work before the final whistle was about to blow.
I like to make “To Do Lists” and crossing completed items off of the list makes me happy. I have to confess sometimes I add things to my “To Do List” just so I can cross them off!
Personally, I feel some type of obligation to complete all work related tasks before any fun and fun before any relaxation. Weird right? For example, when I have a fun thing on my schedule for the day, I usually want to do it first thing in the morning to get it done. I don’t know if I think I am afraid it won’t happen if I lounge a bit in the morning or if I want to keep the rest of my schedule open for whatever may arise.
When leaving for vacation, I have to get an early start by hitting the road first thing. I like to do the fun stuff first and get my relaxation time in the afternoon. When vacation draws to a close, I feel the need to get up early on the last day to get home. I don’t want to stop for lunch or check out the cool highway attractions. How does my honey travel with me???
For 25 years, I drove by some interesting places on my trips between Massachusetts and the lake. I always thought it would be cool to check out Howe Caverns and the Boxing Hall of Fame. I never did though – needed to get where I was going. I guess I forgot the journey can be as fun as the destination.

I understand why we procrastinate doing things that are boring or difficult or that we simply don’t want to do. I get it. We would rather be doing things we enjoy or what MUST get done.
But why do we procrastinate what we love? Why do we put off doing what brings us pleasure and joy? It is August and I have not been on my bike once. My planter project has been laying in the basement half completed for 2 months. For me, some important things simply don’t get done if I don’t write them down and keep track of them.
Occasionally, I make a Procrastination List. I give myself 10 minutes to write down 10 things that I have been procrastinating. The completed list often include things I must do as well as things I have been wanting to do for fun or around the house. Here is my last list:
Things I have been procrastinating:
- Schedule car appointment
- Get bike tire fixed
- Schedule dermatologist
- Schedule podiatrist
- Give Fenway a bath
- Buy Fenway medication
- Finish my planter project for the yard
- Stain the bench
- Get ahead on writing posts for blog
- Schedule bike vacation
Simply by writing down the list, I was able to prioritize getting a few of these items completed. Since then I got my car to the shop, got the bike tire fixed, and gave the dog a bath. My honey and I leave this week for 2 nights in Pennsylvania where we are staying at a rustic cabin with the river in front of us and the rail trail behind us. I can’t wait!

Going on this mini biking vacation is actually one of my goals for 2016. It is something I want to do with my honey and am excited about. But actually sitting down, looking at places to go and places to stay would not have gotten done had I not put it on my procrastination list. Planning and scheduling this trip has been on my “To Do List” since January. I am so glad I finally got it done so we can go have a few days of alone time doing what we love.
On my computer, I have a list of potential blog post ideas. Writing this post on procrastination has been on that list for months. Glad I can finally cross it off the list!
What fun things have you been procrastinating?
Go ahead and make your procrastination list. Maybe it will remind you to choose to go have fun!
Lake Girl
Ha! A post about me! Sorry I stressed you guys out so much–I couldn’t help it, I swear. Am going to write a Procrastination List now. Should only take a few hours. Once I start. Which will be today. Or maybe tomorrow.
I have gray hair because of you…
This post is wagging its finger at me. Leave me alone.
Stop making me laugh!