This time of year, I spent most of my time outdoors. On a daily basis, I am outside walking my dog and gardening. In my free time I love to be out at the lake, soaking up the sun, kayaking, hiking and biking. My honey and I did a beautiful hike last weekend at one of the local State Parks. It was a good loop with views of waterfalls and flowing water. Next weekend we plan on biking with my cousin on the Erie Canalway. I believe time spent in nature is time well spent.
I feel like the more time I am outside, enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer, the more tuned in I am to the sites and sounds. I get to see more of what is out there, not because I am outside more but because I have increased my awareness. Does that make sense? I miss a lot too, especially when I am playing on my iPhone or tuned into the chattering going on inside of my head instead of the beauty that surrounds me. We have to keep our heads up to enjoy Mother Nature!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing 2 baby birds taking what must of been one of their first adventures outside of the nest. It was cool to watch them take awkward steps and try to fly. I don’t know what kind of bird the first one was, I was paying attention to Mama Bird who was not happy that I was in the vicinity of her newborn.
The second baby bird was a blue jay and its Mama flew away while baby perched on a low branch. The baby was mostly still covered in fuzz but a few feathers were turning a pretty blue. I walked right past it multiple times and it just sat on the branch. I got the feeling it wasn’t concerned with me as it was just taking in the sites from this new vantage point away from the nest.

My next door neighbor has been fighting with a robin that keeps trying to make a nest above his back door. It works on building its nest while he is not around and then he comes home and takes a broom to it. This happened at least three times and finally he left his broom perched across the doorway as a deterrent. It has been up there for over a week!
I see and hear cardinals all of the time when I am outside. I hear the song of one and the answer of its mate. I can’t help myself from searching in the tree tops all around me looking for them. Lately, I see them fly by me and land nearby. They don’t let me get close but I get to check them out more closely than ever before. Trust me, all cardinals do not look alike!
On a recent walk, I heard the hard squeal of a blue jay and spotted it in a tree. On a lower branch I caught site of a small owl sitting quietly and taking in the sites. Get this, that mean ole blue jay took off and deliberately flew right onto the head of the owl. I have seen them bully other birds at the bird feeder but this poor owl was just sitting and minding its own business. I treasure the opportunity to witness events like this!

I live my life in the pursuit of health, wealth and happiness and being in nature as much as possible keeps me on this path. I have a handful of rules I live by and one of the most important is to spend time with people I love doing activities we both enjoy. I believe this is a primary ingredient for living a happy life.
We live in a time when being busy is valued. When buying consumer luxury items is coveted. When purchasing a bigger house, a fast boat and a fancy car is the American dream. I don’t know about you but I have opted out of this consumer driven lifestyle. I crave a simple life with plenty of time to spend with my family and friends. I crave the site of a beautiful view, the smell of fresh cut grass, the sounds of a bubbling waterfall and the inner peace that comes from kayaking on the lake.
Lake Girl