I am hoping that freezing cold mornings, afternoon snow squalls and shockingly cold nights are over. I am hoping but not certain… This is March in Upstate, NY afterall. I put two out of three snow shovels back in the garage this week. Dang it – I hope I didn’t jinx things with that rookie move! We all know that March is fickle and there are no guarantees!

I look at the ten day forecast to plan my work schedule and it is all over the place in March. We go from brilliant sunshine and temperatures in the mid 60’s to a high of 20 degrees and snow flurries. Today it is rainy and cold and I don’t imagine I will do any outdoor work. Tomorrow afternoon it will be sunny with a high of 37 degrees; I can handle that, so I just booked a couple of hours of work. By the weekend though it will be sunny and in the mid 60’s! Now that is my kind of weather!
“In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.”
Jean Hersey
The month of March really does feel like a tug of war. Winter hasn’t fully let go and spring is persistently pushing forward at the same time. I was at my sisters doing some spring clean up yesterday. She has a big yard and where it borders the woods, there is still snow on the ground. By the garage, the snow is still piled high from the snow plow and will likely be there for another two weeks. At the same time, I am cutting down the dead stalks from last years flowers, removing debris and seeing green shoots popping up everywhere.

I worked for an hour and a half and then came home and napped for 30 minutes. Guess, I am not in yard work shape yet! I am enjoying getting back into the swing of my yard work. This is when I get lots of exercise, spend hours upon hours outside and get in shape (eventually)!
The tug of war that March brings will soon give way to April flowers, long days and lake time!
I can relate to the quote regarding any internal tug of war. Can you? Sometimes we get so caught up in it that nothing gets accomplished and we miss what is actually happening in our lives. I attempt to quell the internal tug of war by taking quiet time every day, journaling on whatever is keeping me stuck and getting outside in nature. That is what helps me. What helps you?
Other posts on Spring can be found here and here!
Lake Girl