Thursday – Share 1

This blog is where I write about my pursuit of health, wealth and happiness. The podcasts and TED talks I listen to and the books and blogs I read contain so much more information that help me on my journey.

I incorporate what I learn into diet and lifestyle to help me live a healthy and happy life. I share that journey with others via this blog, hoping you use the information to take back your kitchen and your health. You deserve it!

Let’s share what we learn Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Today, I simply want to share a an 18 minute podcast about reversing diabetes from an MD who specializes in this field. If you are pre-diabetic, diabetic or love someone who is, listening to this can be a game changer!

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, Dr. Hallberg

Go listen and come back to comment!

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on television. I am simply a person who wants to grow old gracefully without the burden of chronic disease. I want that for you too…

Lake Girl

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