You know that saying “practice makes perfect”? The idea being that if you keep working at something you will get better and as you get better you near perfection. I don’t totally agree with this idea as there are plenty of things that I do frequently but don’t get better at. For instance, I have been tying my shoes for over 45 years but still find that they come undone during the day. I played squash for several years; playing in a league, practicing drills and playing with others but I never felt competent. I could practice drawing a picture of my dog for the next decade but the picture would always look like it was drawn by a 3 year-old.

Practice clearly doesn’t make perfect unless you are deliberately doing something to get better at it. Not just doing it because it needs to get done (tying my shoes), not doing it because it is fun (playing squash), and not doing it so you improve your chances at winning a round of Pictionary (drawing a dog).
Deliberate practice is focused, disciplined thinking and action to improve your results. It includes breaking down an action into smaller steps and then practicing just that step over and over again. Getting feedback on your progress, tweaking the change and starting all over again.
When one deliberately practices something, she truly wants to improve the process and the get a better result. Think of a professional tennis player practicing one shot over and over until it becomes fluid and consistent. Or a surgeon who practices stitches over and over, only to undo them and do it again. Even this type of practice doesn’t aim for perfection – just improvement.

James Clear from James Clear
“While regular practice might include mindless repetitions, deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance.”
People who strive for perfection in everything they do make me nervous. No matter how well they perform, it is never enough. They are never satisfied and are hard on themselves. They get in their own way of achieving their goals. I have a close friend who was a good skier, so good that she was asked to be a ski instructor. Not only did she decline that opportunity, she quit skiing because she wasn’t “good enough”. She couldn’t enjoy the herself on the slope because she didn’t believe she was good enough.
I prefer the quote “perfect is the enemy of good enough”!
Recently I was being hard on myself, thinking I have never deliberately practiced anything in my life. I thought I have never cared enough about anything to want to be the best at it. Never loved something enough to give it all of my attention. What is so great about perfection? I have fun doing a variety of activities including biking, hiking, ping pong, swimming and kayaking. I may enjoy myself more when I feel like I am doing well but I hope I don’t let that get in the way of having fun and burning a few calories.
Personally, I value a job well done but don’t get hung up on anything being perfect. I prefer to wing it! Life is too short to be perfect. There are too many things I would like to try to do, to spend time being perfect at any one of them. Trying to be perfect can take away the fun and that is detrimental to my well-being!

I strive to be the best me every single day. I don’t just accept my shortcomings but I try to improve. I have made some great progress over the last few years and I still put in daily effort. I still work hard at being healthy, wealthy and happy. I do not strive to be perfect – just pretty darn good!
I am better at being me then anyone else in the world. Yay me! And you, I bet you are better at being you then anyone else is. We are all unique, special individuals. As individuals, we have to learn to love ourselves warts and all.
The hell with being perfect!
Lake Girl

Thanks for reading my friend!
You are a perfect Lake Girl, in my opinion. ?
I value your opinion but believe you are biased by many years of friendship!