The holidays are here and that means many of you have been doing a lot of baking. I have been doing my part to keep up with the bakers by eating a lot of yummy cookies, brownies, fudge and cake. I would guess over the last week, I consumed quite a few extra calories per day and my pants are getting a bit snug. That is ok though because I know what to do. I also know I don’t go down this familiar path for as long or with as much intensity as I used to!
I am not worried about the extra calories or even the tight pants because my honey suggested we complete a Whole30 for the month of January. If you are not familiar with the Whole30 check out this page for more information!I have lost track but think this is our 4th or 5th Whole30 and I still love the experience. Maybe I don’t love giving up my wine but the rest of it is easy!

Basically for 30 days you eat nothing but meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. It isn’t a diet, it is like hitting the reset button on your eating habits. They spell out four “Good Food Standards” to determine what food to eat for 30 days. These standards state the food we eat should: promote a healthy psychological response, promote a healthy hormonal response, support a healthy gut and support immune function and minimalize inflammation. After the 30 days, you reintroduce foods one at a time to determine which ones negatively affect you personally.
During my first Whole30, I realized that beer really bothers my gut and have stopped drinking it entirely. I used to love an ice cold IPA but have found that hard cider is a good replacement beverage when out and about. During my first or second Whole30, I came to understand that dairy causes me to have some sinus issues. I have cut back on my dairy but still eat it when I get a hankering for my Kick Ass Soup (Potato Florentine with a kick) or a cheese omelet. I still have it in the house periodically but no longer consider myself a “cheesetarian”!

You can read about my first Whole30 experiments in several blog posts including My Whole30 Experiment, Rocking the Whole30, Whole30 Mission Complete, and why I did it again in Join Me in Choosing Health.
My Whole30 experiments have transformed my eating habits from a vegetarian to a meat eater. When I was a vegetarian, my primary source of protein was a lot of cheese, some beans and a little tofu. My plate was typically full of rice, bread, and pasta covered with vegetables. I didn’t think it was possible but I eat more vegetables now than in my past!
Now, I eat a lot more protein and a healthy fat with most meals. Healthy fats like avocados, olives and nuts help me feel full and satiated. I consume a lot less unhealthy soybean, vegetable and peanut oils and a lot more healthier olive, coconut and avocado oil. I eat a lot less processed carbohydrates and a lot more vegetables. I avoid most processed junk (I can’t even call it food) and food with added sugar. I now avoid containers with labels that state “low fat”, “reduced fat” and “fat free”. I hate that the food industry attempts to confuse us with misleading labels such as “all natural” and “heart healthy” that sound healthy but are essentially meaningless.

I have made many changes to my diet that were prompted by my first Whole30 and that has improved my overall diet. My salads are now topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar instead of conventional store bought dressing, loaded with unhealthy oil and sugar. My tea is now made with coconut milk instead of half and half and sugar. I now include vegetables with my morning eggs instead of toast and cheese. I have not eliminated snacking but at night I am happy with a handful of nuts or 2 pieces of dark chocolate instead of a bowl of ice cream or a brownie.

The best part about eating this way is I never feel deprived. I never have to count calories. I eat until I am full and when I get hungry, I know what to reach for to satisfy me.
Don’t get me wrong, I still get bit by my sugar dragon at times and go on a bit of a sugar binge (see the first paragraph above). But I know what it is now, I know why it is happening and I know how to make it stop. Knowledge is a powerful tool and having a better understanding of how different foods are processed in the body and how they affect me personally is a game changer when it comes to improving health.
Choose health in the new year by making some lifestyle changes. If you are interested in joining my honey and I in a January Whole30 leave me a public message in the comment section or on my Facebook page. You can also leave a private message on the bottom of the Start Here page. It takes teamwork to transform our health and I would love it if you would join my team!
I am not a Whole30 spokesperson nor do I receive any compensation from them. I do believe they have a message worth spreading that can transform the health of anyone willing to commit to 30 days of eating differently. I would love it if you join my team!
Lake Girl

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay