My sisters and I have been updating each other on the phone and by text of how we have been spending our time while social distancing! This post was inspired by those conversations! Thanks to Mother Fran, our family bond is strong!
I like to keep myself relatively busy. I wake up most days by 6:00am and am ready to greet the day. Once I drink my tea, take my quiet time, eat some breakfast and walk the dog; I’m ready to get cracking! I’m not good at just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Between Covid19, daily rain storms, and not working at the nursing home; I have way too much time on my hands.
Back in February in a post titled “Don’t Just Go Through the Motions”, I shared my goals for 2018. My goals are recorded on 3 notes on my Google Keep Page under the titles Health Goals, Wealth Goals and Happiness Goals. My Google Keep Page come up automatically every time I turn on my computer. This way, my goals are always accessible for me to review. My Google Keep Page contains 2 other notes related to my goals. One is where I record the next steps I need to take to reach my goals and the other contains reminders to prioritize my goals.
One note is titled “Sculpt My Life – Next Steps”. This is where I write down the next steps I need to take toward reaching my goals. Periodically, I review my goals and figure out the next step for each and jot that down on this list. The second note is titled “My Strategic Life Reminders”. This is where I jot down helpful advice I have read about or heard about that I think will help me in my pursuit of health, wealth and happiness goals. They are reminders to prioritize what I say is important to me. Currently, this list contains the following 3 bullet points:
What 1 thing do I want to get better at today? What opportunities will I have to practice it? Do it every day…
You are never going to feel like it
Act on ideas within 5 seconds or you will pull the emergency brake
Last week I dutifully sprung into spring by changing all of my clocks forward. A few days later, I even remembered to take care of the clock in my car. I have experienced a tiny little problem though… I sprung; but spring is nowhere to be found. What the heck?
Old Man Winter refuses to leave and I for one am not too happy about this. What the heck. We got hit with about 15 inches of snow and wind chills in the single digits. The wind won’t quit and every time I open the front door I hold on for dear life so it doesn’t get ripped off its hinges. The snow has finally stopped (after 48 hours of coming down) but the wind is still howling. I guess this storm even has a name… STELLA!