Teamwork Will Transform Our Health

The holidays are here and that means many of you have been doing a lot of baking. I have been doing my part to keep up with the bakers by eating a lot of yummy cookies, brownies, fudge and cake. I would guess over the last week, I consumed quite a few extra calories per day and my pants are getting a bit snug. That is ok though because I know what to do. I also know I don’t go down this familiar path for as long or with as much intensity as I used to!

I am not worried about the extra calories or even the tight pants because my honey suggested we complete a Whole30 for the month of January. If you are not familiar with the Whole30 check out this page for more information!I have lost track but think this is our 4th or 5th Whole30 and I still love the experience. Maybe I don’t love giving up my wine but the rest of it is easy!

I love the holidays Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
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Hit the Reset Button

I completed my first Whole30 in 2017 and since that time have continued to eat in the manner the program taught me most of the last year. Since that time, I primarily eat lots of fresh and frozen vegetables along with some fruit. I eat plenty of eggs, avocados, nuts and seeds. I eat fish, chicken and some meat. I use coconut oil, coconut milk, avocado oil and vinegar along with spices. I rarely eat bread, pasta, rice or dairy. Don’t get me wrong, a few foods and beverages did creep back into my meal planning that are not compliant including beer, wine and dark chocolate. Yes, these are a few of my favorite things!

Beer, wine, and dark chocolate are the 3 foods I have trouble eliminating from my diet for more than 30 days. For the entire month of January and for 1 month last year, I did it. Mission accomplished.

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The Struggle is Real

With the exception of eating out on occasion, we cook and eat pretty much all meals from scratch. Needless to say, there is a lot of chopping, dicing, peeling, and mixing going on in my kitchen. Once the prep work is done I am sauteing, roasting, baking and frying my food until it is ready to devour. I read plenty of articles that say that it is expensive to eat real food. That one reason people eat prepared foods, fast food and junk food is because it is cheaper than healthy food.

I can’t quite wrap my head around that argument.

Prepared food, fast food and junk food are not in the same category as real food. They contain copious amounts of sugar, salt, hydrogenated oils and refined flour. Folks who subsist on this “food” are often overfed but undernourished. They take in too many calories but don’t get adequate nutrition. Did you know you can be morbidly obese and malnourished at the same time? When we eat like this we are gaining weight but starving for the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients that our bodies require for health. Over 60% of us are considered overweight in this country.

The struggle for health is real

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I recently asked Google to Search “How many food additives are used in the United States”?


According to the FDA there are 3000 food additives on the EAFUS (Everything Added to Food List in the US).  No, I did not make up the name of that list! Apparently the list isn’t complete because food manufacturers can bypass getting ingredients approved by the FDA by claiming certain ingredients fall under the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) Determination.

These ingredients might not even show up on the food label! The funny part is, the manufacturer can determine on their own, without involving the EPA if an additive should be added to the GRAS list. HUH?

Can you say BIG LOOP HOLE?

Continue reading “EAFUS – HUH?”

My Whole30 Experiment – Part 1

My honey and I have decided to follow the diet recommendations of the Whole30 Program for 30 days in order to see what all of the hoopla is about. If you haven’t heard of it you can check it out here!  And for even more information read the book that introduces it, “It Starts with Food” by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig. The authors claim that following their 30 day program will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

I actually read about it a few months ago, got interested in it and then decided a meal plan that focuses on protein but restricts tofu, soy, and legumes would not be the best idea for a vegetarian who only eats a little bit of fish.

Sesame Tofu

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