All You Need is a Fraction of a Second

Regardless of whether you are bold, strong, arrogant or brash. Whether you are meek, mild, timid or passive. Whether you are foolhardy, risky, daring or crazy. Life is going to knock you down. Other people are going to pull your kayak off-course. People you love are going to hurt your feelings. Your boss or co-workers are going to bug the living crap out of you. Accidents will happen, mistakes will occur. When life knocks us down, some of us whimper and cry, some of us swear, some of us yell. Some of us shrug our shoulders and move on.

I get knocked down but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down.

Life is about to knock them down! Image by Christian Dorn from Pixabay
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Tune in to the Birds

This time of year, I spent most of my time outdoors. On a daily basis, I am outside walking my dog and gardening. In my free time I love to be out at the lake, soaking up the sun, kayaking, hiking and biking. My honey and I did a beautiful hike last weekend at one of the local State Parks. It was a good loop with views of waterfalls and flowing water. Next weekend we plan on biking with my cousin on the Erie Canalway. I believe time spent in nature is time well spent.

I feel like the more time I am outside, enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer, the more tuned in I am to the sites and sounds. I get to see more of what is out there, not because I am outside more but because I have increased my awareness. Does that make sense? I miss a lot too, especially when I am playing on my iPhone or tuned into the chattering going on inside of my head instead of the beauty that surrounds me. We have to keep our heads up to enjoy Mother Nature!

We saw this beauty! Image by bapreston from Pixabay
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Spring Has Sprung

If you have been reading my recent posts, you know I got away from winter for the entire month of February but March came in like a lion and left like a lion. We had lots of snowy days with minimal accumulation in March. It would look ferocious outside but when I left to drive home at the end of my shift there would be nothing to brush off my car much less to shovel! I guess if we have to deal with winter, this isn’t half bad!

On April 7, my honey and I drove to the cottage for the first time this year. I always approach this day with an odd mix of excitement and dread. Mostly excitement but still a healthy dose of fear! I never know if the driveway will be passable and if there will be damage to the house or to my beloved “condo”. Luckily, there were no real issues this year and we had time for a little bit of raking, lunch on the deck and a quick kayak ride. We wrapped up the day our first visit of 2019 to a favorite ice cream stand. My honey got a chocolate peanut butter cone and I got my soft-serve chocolate with chocolate sprinkles (jimmies to my New England friends).

Sprinkles please! Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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