I spent the day in quiet solitude.
I had a few easy tasks to complete today, an interesting book to read and some thinking to do. I love days like this!
The high temperature today is 29 degrees here in the Finger Lake Region of New York State. There is a fresh coat of snow on the ground and it is calm and still outside. The sky is a beautiful blue with big, white clouds loitering on the horizon. The sun is shining brightly, reflecting off of the snow and it is blinding. Too bad I can’t find my sunglasses.

Other than venturing out to walk my dog, I have been inside of my house, sitting on the couch, relaxing all day. I consider myself blessed to have opportunities like this to regroup, to think, to unwind.
So many people simply don’t know how to relax. They are hyper-focused on one thing and never stop to smell the coffee much less the roses.