The long winter of 2017 is over and spring has been pretty wonderful, although a bit rainy. I managed to plant my small garden several weeks ago which is pretty early for this area. I have tomatoes, basil, parsley, scallions, and peppers. I have been doing lots raking, weeding and planting in my own yard and with others.

Being outdoors so much has tricked me into thinking it is summer. I am ready for some lake time! I managed to get the water and electricity on at the cottage with the help of the plumber and 2 frantic calls to Child #7. When I call her, she joking answers “Plumbing Service”. Child #2 and her hubby came for CCW which in our family means Cottage Cleanup Weekend. They worked amazingly hard and the place is in pretty good summer shape.
The cottage was all opened up by the end of May but Mother Fran and Child #7 were nowhere in sight. The place just isn’t the same without them. I thought I would spend a lot of time there either alone or with my honey but I only ended up spending 2 nights. I guess it didn’t help that it has been so rainy here in the Finger Lakes!

Well this week Child #7 arrived with Mother Fran in tow and the sun decided to make a grand entrance! Not only am I happy to be gearing up for “Lake Time” but for family time as well. There is something special about family! I am blessed with a wonderful family and friends and am happiest when I get to spend quality time with them.
I feel a bit torn in the summer between spending my time at my own home with my honey, close to work and being at the lake with Mom and my sister. The cottage is an hour away which is nothing compared to when I lived in Massachusetts but sometimes I let that stop me from spending as much time there as I want. I get caught up in work and my daily life and I don’t get there as much as I would like.
I have already started mapping out on my calendar some time that I will spend at the lake and blocking off time to spend with my honey doing fun things. I have found that if I schedule what is important to me directly on my google calendar it has a much better chance of happening than if I just think about doing something.

For this week, my calendar tells me to go kayaking today with my honey and then to have dinner and play Mahjong at Child #1’s house tonight. It also tells me to go to the cottage on Thursday after work to spend the night and to return on Friday after working at the nursing home.
I am working on choosing happiness by spending my time doing what I say is important to me. In this case, spending time with family and friends doing things I love to do.
I always manage to schedule my time at the nursing home, my yard work gigs, and my appointments. Why not schedule what is really important to maximize happiness so it doesn’t get lost in the day-to-day grind?
Life is good in my little blue kayak! What are you doing that is important to you this week? Go ahead and schedule it on your calendar to increase the chances it will actually happen.
Lake Girl