On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you? What would it take to move that number to the right 1 or 2 digits? Seriously what would it take? Would you need to win the lottery? Would a vacation to a beach resort do it? How about coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table?
These all seem like they would help, however in reality, I am willing to bet they don’t move the needle in the right direction for more than a hot minute. Winning the lottery is out of my control and as I rarely even bother to buy a ticket it, is not likely to happen. Vacationing in a beach resort sounds great but is not in my budget and although the needle would move, the minute I returned home, I bet it would fall back to its starting point. Coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table – yup that would help. That would even help even if I did all of the work!

Personally, I believe happiness is a choice. It is a choice we make with daily decisions. It is a choice we make when we develop positive habits. It is a choice we make with how we spend our day. It is a choice we make with how we respond to Debbie Downer and Gus the Gossiper and Ned the Nosy Neighbor. I don’t know about you, but I want to choose happiness as often as possible.
I have been paying attention lately to my daily decisions, to my positive attitudes, to how I spend my day. I start every day with 10-20 minutes of quiet time to get me in a good head space. I get plenty of time outdoors every day to get some fresh air and exercise. I have a good relationship with my honey where we respect and love each other. I pay attention to the changing nutrition research and have swapped out my low-fat, high carbohydrate, vegetarian diet for healthy fats, organic meat and tons of veggies.
I have gotten pretty good at not letting other people’s negatively impact my happiness. I am going to share one specific thing I have been doing for myself lately that helps nudge my happy needle to a higher number. I am a bit hesitant to admit this in such a public space as I haven’t even told my honey about this activity! But we are all friends at My Little Blue Kayak so here goes!

Dancing – yup, I said dancing! So far in 2019, I have asked “Alexa” to play Bob Marley, REM, U2, Melissa Etheridge, Indigo Girls, Billy Joel and others and put on my dancing shoes 23 times. Actually, when home alone, I kick off my shoes, and boogey. Honestly, I am a lousy dancer but I don’t care! Dancing around my living room for 1-2 songs makes me feel good. I get a little exercise, get moving and get off the couch. I always finish my dance a bit happier than when I started. Once the dance gets my blood pumping, I have increased energy to cross a couple of things off of my Sculpt My Day List!
I only dance when home alone and the only one who sees me is my dog. She usually feels the need to give me some room by running to her bed and watches me from afar. She doesn’t seem to mind my awkward stumbling around the living room!

What have you been doing lately to nudge the happy needle in the right direction? If you don’t know where to start, crank up the tunes, sing along and get your groove on!
Choose happiness for goodness sake!
Lake Girl