I’m not going to beat around the bush here. I’m not going to hold back. I’m going to tell you all about the week I have had. Here goes… It sucked. I know I am usually full of positivity and good vibes but some things can’t be denied and this week was absolutely awful.
My 2013 RAV4 was totaled in an accident involving 4 cars. I loved that car. I was one block from my brother (Number 9’s) house to drop Fenway off for a sleepover. The first three cars were all braking appropriately for whatever reason (I was car #3) and the fourth car was NOT STOPPING. I saw the big blue Durango barreling down on me and was alarmed because he didn’t appear to be braking. He was still going over 30 MPH while the rest of use were almost stopped.

I felt the impact and then another as my car was shoved into the car in front of me and him into the car in front of him. I sat stunned for several minutes and felt confused as to what was going on. The first thing I noticed was the smell and then the heat and then the fact that I was surrounded by air bags. Every air bag in the RAV deployed. I couldn’t move for a couple of minutes as my brain wasn’t functioning. I could hear voices but couldn’t figure out what they were saying.
Fenway popped into my mind and I turned to check on her. She was safely in her dog hammock and on her bed although she had slid all of the way toward the front. Thank God for the hammock otherwise she would have been slammed into the front seats. I realized the guys in the car in front of me were asking if I was ok and I nodded my head. The stench of the accident was overpowering (have I mentioned my sensory issues) and I had to get out of the car. That proved challenging as my exit was blocked by the airbags. I finally ducked under and around them and stumbled out to the street.

It was over 90 degrees and the heat was unbearable. I found a way to get Fenway out and stood in silence on the side of the road looking at the chaos. My car was crumpled massively in the back and a bit in the front. The car in front of me had significant front end damage. By now the police had arrived, the ambulance and all of the drivers were standing silently by their cars. I called my brother to come and get Fenway, grabbed my water bottle and found my face mask. This was going to take a while!
This was just over a week ago and I can still see the blue Durango in my mind and think “he’s not stopping”. When I look in the rear view mirror I am reminded of the impact and all of the emotions that surrounded the accident. I spent a week on the phone with my insurance company, on my computer filling out accident reports, and shopping for another RAV 4. I got pretty caught up in stinking thinking and brewing in negativity. The guy responsible for the accident drove away in his Durango while my “Rainy” got towed away without me.
He was not stopping…
I am not stopping either. This blog is all about how I purposefully choose health, wealth and happiness by the daily decisions I make and by living my strategic life on my terms. Getting stuck in a rut of negative self talk, anger and blame is not in my play book. Time to get back in the game of my life and continue on my path!
My insurance company came through with the money for my salvaged car in one week. That money along with the cash I had in my car fund allowed me to purchase a new (to me) RAV. I am happily driving a 2017 Electric Blue RAV 4 with 32,000 miles on it. I loved my Rainy but she was four years older with 50,000 more miles.
This new car needs a name!
I want to thank my honey for putting up with me this week and shlepping me around to the rental car company and to the car dealership. I want to thank Number 9 for coming to my rescue the day of the accident. I want to thank Number 9’s wife for suggesting I stay for dinner and a drink. I want to thank Child #1 and her honey for their offer of a loan. I want to thank Mother Fran and Child #2, #3 and #7 for their concern. I want to thank my friends who help me get through every life event despite being 366 miles away.
I am not going to let this accident ruin one more minute of my life.
I AM NOT STOPPING making good choices every day to maximize my health.
I AM NOT STOPPING making good decisions to maximize my wealth.
I AM NOT STOPPING living my life on my terms so I lead a happy life.

The guy responsible for this accident did not stop. He made a mistake. He owned up to the fact that he was reaching for his drink and took his eyes off of the road. He spoke respectfully to the police officers and to me. He was honest about what happened. He was a nice guy. I hope he doesn’t stop living his life on his terms. He seems to be doing the right things.
Life is precious, life is short. No matter what happens that is not under your control, DON’T STOP living your life on your terms. I mean it. DON’T STOP!
Lake Girl

Glad to hear that you are alright.
Thanks Deb!
That really does qualify as a bad week. 😠
But I’m glad to hear that both you and Fenway are okay.
As always, thanks for reading!
So glad you and Fenway are okay!! Love how even when you have bad weeks you find the positive!
Thanks Bridget! Life is too short to get mired down in the negative!
Name her Matilda….then her nickname could be Tillie
or Millie
Nana would approve!
Wasn’t it on her birthday.