As I right this, I am wrapping up week 2 of my 2020 month long semi-retirement. I recently wrote about how week 1 went in this post. In week 2, we have been settling in to a nice routine. I wake up early (as usual) and take my quiet time and then I write for a bit. After walking the dog, we eat breakfast and Mother Fran and I play some Canasta. It has been a beautiful week with temperatures in the 80’s. I feel bad that my sister, Child #3 was here just before us and had lousy weather.

We have done some shopping and I am happy to report so far I have bought nothing! Clothes are inexpensive here and sometimes it is hard to say NO to a $14 pair of Sketchers. After I said NO to that cute pair of red sneakers, my honey tried them on and said HELL YES! Luckily we wear the same size so I will simply borrow them on occasion!
We had a nice kayak ride this week on the Gulf. It was fun to be out on the water with the sun on our faces. My sister has a cool kayak that detaches into three pieces; all of which fit into the back of my RAV4! On another day, we met up with a family friend in a little Greek town for some yummy food and some window shopping. Mother Fran came too and enjoyed a good meal and some fresh air. I pushed her in her transport wheelchair and tried to get her to buy a fun hat that she wanted nothing to do with!

In the afternoons, I have been playing Canasta with Mother Fran and then cooking dinner for the four of us. My mom has a nice porch that overlooks a pond and although I can see plenty of other houses it is still peaceful. There is something about being on the water! Mom hasn’t wanted to go anywhere or do anything. She says at 92 she has done it all. She wants to play cards with her kids. Who am I to argue with that?
It feel so good to simply relax and enjoy the company of people I love. At this point in my life, I seem to crave this. I don’t need fancy clothes, an expensive cruise or a resort style vacation. I just need my honey, Mother Fran, my family, my dog and a deck of cards. I’m not bored yet after two weeks of relaxing!
Lake Girl

Image by Rebeca M from Pixabay