Usually we have a big theme party on July 4th that includes whatever family members are around and some good friends that are part of our extended family. I think it started with a Mexican party many years ago when my sister had a bunch of Sauza Tequila stuff from the restaurant. In years past, we have celebrated Christmas, Easter, Casino Night, the Super Bowl, Hawaiian Night and the Sixties all on the Fourth of July. We have hunted for Easter eggs, exchanged Christmas stockings and tied dyed t-shirts. There is usually a food theme that requires planning, games to be played and we have even busted open a few pinata’s over the years. In case you couldn’t tell, the Fourth of July is a big deal in my family.

This year, the Fourth of July was very quiet. It began with Mother Fran wishing me a happy Fourth and then stating there would be no party this year. This virus has seriously altered our lives. I had a quiet day that started off with watching the sunrise, cutting down some branches to open up our view, followed by a kayak ride and a swim. I must have gone swimming four times and the water was incredible. We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner on the deck and we shared a pitcher of Margarita’s. We played Canasta, Play Nine and Tripoly with Mother Fran. It wasn’t the normal holiday but it was a beautiful day and I shared it with family.
There was plenty of activity on the lake with kayaks, sailboats, speed boats, pontoon boats and jet skis. There were even a couple of water planes zipping up and down the lake. People set off fire works to my left and my right while I was sitting on the deck. You know they are loud when Mother Fran hears them over the sound of the television.

When I wrote this post, I was sitting on the deck overlooking the lake. Mother Fran was “reading her book” at the table to my right. It is funny because she isn’t actually reading anything! She is really watching a show that my sister downloaded from Netflix. She watches on her Kindle with her Bluetooth headset. Who know a 92 year old could be so technologically advanced? She soaked her feet in a five gallon bucket of water with Epsom Salts three times over the course of the afternoon! By evening, we watched the fireworks that people were setting off across the lake and to the north and the south of us. Mom and I also watched them on television while sitting on the couch.
There was no theme party this year, there was no food planning meeting. There was no tie dye, no pinatas and no Easter egg hunt. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. I spent the day with my tribe and I am quite content. To my family who were unable to join us today, I hope you enjoyed your day. Hopefully we can resume the festivities next year! I am wearing my red, white and blue tie dye t-shirt from many years ago and I am smiling!
Happy Fourth of July everyone! I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did. I am grateful Mother Fran is here and enjoying her time at the lake. Honestly, I would not change a thing.
Lake Girl