When stuck in a rut, we go through the motions of living but we don’t feel engaged or truly alive. We get up, go to work, and take care of the things that need taking care of but we are drained and exhausted all of the time. Life feels monotonous and each day feels pretty much like another. Does this sound familiar?
Do you remember the feeling when you step outside of your comfort zone? The little bit of anxiety that feels like full-blown fear? Your palms get a little sweaty, your heart beats a little fast and your mind is either completed cluttered or eerily vacant. Often times we get cold feet at this point and run back to the security of the rut. But other times, we push through this feeling, and our mind becomes engaged, our body feels lighter and we begin to feel very much alive. Don’t run back to the rut – It is time to kick fear out of the way!

Some people like to jump in the lake with both feet when stepping outside of their comfort zone. They like to make a big splash and create some serious waves. Some prefer to tiptoe in; testing the water with one toe and allowing that small step to lead to another step until before they know it, they are fully immersed with barely a ripple disturbing the calm water.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be really hard and that is why people are reluctant to try new things. If you have something new you want to do in pursuit of your health, wealth or happiness but don’t feel quite ready to jump in with 2 feet; try 1 foot. Try tiptoeing in. Regardless of whether you jump in, dive in, fall in or tiptoe in; once you are in you are in. When we leave the comfort zone, we stretch our mind and expand our knowledge; it is how we grow as individuals.

I recently wrote about going to the library to get motivated or dare I say it inspired to stay on the path toward your personal destination. I didn’t know it at the time but that library visit helped me to tiptoe in to stepping outside of my comfort zone in terms of figuring out a good option for using my health coach credentials.
I recently took an audio book out of the library…
I listened to the audio book called “The Barefoot Executive” by Carrie Wilkerson. After reading the book and checking out her website, I signed up for a free 7 Day Business Blitz Course offered by the author for help to grow my Health Coach Business and my blog.
This course gave me some tools to develop and grow my business. I am excited to follow through on the strategies I developed as a result of reading the book and taking the course. My confidence in my ability to develop and grow a health coaching business have skyrocketed.
Do you know the really cool part? Before I read the book, I wasn’t even sure I was going to try use my health coaching certification in this manner. I wasn’t sure I wanted to start a business. I am still not positive that this is the course I will take – remember, I am only tiptoeing in!

The visit to the library led me to a book which led me to a free course which led me to some solid steps to take on a path that leads me in the pursuit of my personal destination.
As I read my journal from 3 years ago, I was questioning myself about what path to take to pursue my personal destination of wanting to earn my living doing work that I find meaningful and that brings others to a better place/space. I have question marks next to health coach and blogger. I had not yet decided to pursue either of these options and had little to no confidence in my ability to fill either of these roles. But the thought of both of these as possibilities appear several times over a 2 year period.
Two years ago, I read a blog post, which outlined some very basic steps to start your own blog. I started thinking to myself, I can do this. Before I had time to talk myself out of it, I took the first step and then the next step and then created this blog.
On my Google Keep Page, I have a list titled “My Strategic Life Reminders” that I turn to when feeling stuck. One item on that list says “act on an idea within 5 seconds or you will pull the emergency brake”. Last year, I followed this advice when I started researching health coach certifications; found one that best worked for me and immediately purchased the study materials.

I just went down memory lane by reading my post on this decision titled I Got Kicked in the Pants! In that post you will find a link to the YouTube video where I first heard this advice! Listening to that motivational video played the same role as going to the library in terms of motivating me to live my life strategically. It allowed my to tiptoe into the lake without having to make a big scary leap.
What thoughts have been twirling around in your head that if you pursued them would result in some positive life changes? You don’t have to jump – just stick a big toe in the water and see where that steps lead you.
Lake Girl