I have been caught up in the day to day again; not really addressing my goals or even thinking about them. 2020 is quickly wrapping up and I am a bit way behind. I have been working on the dresser that has been sitting in my garage since 2015. It is an old dresser that I that I want to restore to its former beauty. I stripped the drawers a few years ago and then neglected it. I am going to finish that damn thing in 2020!
At the beginning of the year, I mapped out my health, wealth and happiness goals and posted them here on My Little Blue Kayak. For some reason, I forgot to put them on my Google Keep Page so I didn’t look at them every time I turned on the computer. BIG mistake! My goals are in danger of becoming useless!

Here is my October Goal Update! I have not made much progress and my excuses although valid are not really important. Okay – yes my excuses are important! COVID 19 is my excuse for my failure to meet any of my financial goals. I didn’t lose my job, however I did decide that I needed to prioritize the health of Mother Fran, my family and myself; and have not returned to Nursing Home work since March. Several other goals took a backseat when Mother Fran was hospitalized in February and March. My family has provided and will continue to provide 24 hour care for her and this threw me off of my game.
With Mother Fran getting hospitalized twice in 2020 and this worldwide pandemic hitting in March my circumstances have changed. I have changed. My goals have changed. I continue to be isolating myself from the world. I have not returned to work, I have not been to a restaurant, I have not seen many of my friends. I am not afraid, I am cautious. I have family members that are at high risk for contracting this virus and I need to stay healthy for them and to not place them at risk should I get infected.

Health Goals Update
Complete a minimum of 5 minutes of exercise daily for 90% of days – NOT DONE (I stopped tracking when Mom went to the hospital…)
Complete a Health Care Proxy – NOT DONE (I keep ignoring this one)
Get a physical and accompanying blood work completed – DONE
Complete a Whole30 or similar program – IN PROCESS and will be done by the end of October!
Shop at local farm stands, farmer’s markets for fresh produce – DONE
Plant a second crop for early spring or late summer produce and/or join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm. – NOT DONE
Wealth Goals Update
Max out ROTH IRA ($7000) – NOT DONE
Max out Health Savings Account (HSAP ($3450) – NOT DONE
Contribute $6000 to non-retirement funds – NOT DONE
Surpass 2018 income level (my best year since I left full time work) – NOT DONE
Complete all CEU’s (Continuing Education Credits) necessary to renew my Occupational Therapy license in 2021. – IN PROCESS (I probably won’t complete until March 2021)

Happiness Goals Update
Read 40 books (yup, I doubled it from 2019)! – At last count, I finished 14 books. I have a long way to go! IN PROGRESS
Visit at least 2 National Parks – We did the Everglades so far!
Add a second quite time/meditation on at least 85% of days this year – NOT DONE (I stopped tracking when Mom went into the hospital)
Visit Mother Fran in Florida for an extended stay – DONE
Average 5 blog posts per month – I have been averaging 4 posts per month which is actually better than I thought! Not Done but maybe I will turn up the heat these next few months!
Spend time in nature by enjoying at least 10 different parks, forests, beaches – I never addressed this… We did hit some local parks and forests but not 10!
Kayak in 3 new places – NOT DONE (Plenty of kayaking at the cottage though)
Update my bucket list (things I want to do before I kick the bucket) – I have time to get this done!
Share compliments that I hear at work and in my personal life with the person they are intended for (not sure how I will measure this one) – NOT DONE
Volunteer for an organization/cause that I support for at least 8 hours – NOT DONE (COVID)

So as you can see… My Goals Went Kaput! But 2020 is not over and I still have time to focus on a few of the above over the next few months.
My goals are not written in stone. They are not the end all be all. Goals are like my guideposts to remember to focus on my health, wealth and happiness; as long as I do that, I am on my path. Not meeting or even addressing many of my goals doesn’t strike me as a big deal or as an unsurmountable barrier. The truth is, the habits and routines I have established over the years have kept me on my path of health, wealth and happiness, despite this turbulent year.
My goals may have gone kaput – but my happiness has not!
Lake Girl
According to the CDC the total number of COVID cases in the US is 8,469,976.
According to the CDC 223,393 people have died in the US from COVID.
Stay safe everyone. Keep your loved ones safe.
You are driven & inspiring…regardless of a pandemic. How do you track 85% of the time with your goals (exercise, meditation…).? Thanks!
I use Google Calendar! I have a designated calendar titled “Tracking”. I can track as many things as I want. I type “Quiet Time” and then set it to repeat. I change the color each time I complete it. It isn’t time consuming until you want to get your results by manually adding the days and the successful days for each. Thanks for reading and for your comments.
I say wing it this year…….too many changes ..just go with the flow.
I like that idea!
I agree with #3. Cut yourself a little slack. It’s been a crazy year …
Stop paddling and float along for awhile.
Nice MLBK language… Love it.