A few days ago I saw a few glimpses of spring when I decided to do a bit of raking and yard clean up. I packed up 6 bags of yard debris and stuck them in the garage. I saw the day lilies sporting some greenery and the crocuses popping out of the ground. I heard the cardinals, robins and blue jays singing away.
This morning though, I peered out my window and saw evidence that winter has not released its grip on Central New York. I saw a light coating of snow everywhere and my outdoor work was cancelled due to the cold. The temperature currently reads 40 degrees but the wind chill says otherwise. So I put those 6 bags filled with leaves, sticks and dead stalks out to the curb while the wind whipped and the snow fell. Mother Nature needs to make up her mind!

I did a little yard work yesterday at someone’s house but only managed to put in about 1 hour. It was cold and rainy with a bit of snow mixed in. I did a little raking, uncovered the rose bushes and then decided a cup of hot tea was in order. I wasn’t frustrated, I wasn’t mad, I was just cold.
When I got home I mapped out the next few weeks of work so I can maximize my time outdoors. I have to balance my good hourly pay as an Occupational Therapist with my need to be out in the fresh air.
I understand the calendar reads springtime 2018 but I wish the weather would reflect the appropriate season. I love spring and I have a long list of things I want to get accomplished to get my own yard and my clients yards up to snuff. This year, I want to rent a tiller and turn my garden over without breaking my back. The dirt in my garden is like clay and I hope the tiller does better than my shovel for breaking it up.

I’m happy when working in the garden and in the yard. I am typically stress free when outdoors and often catch myself singing. This doesn’t happen when working at the nursing home! When at the nursing home, I am constantly looking at my watch and figuring out what time I will get out for the day.
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Cicero
“Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are.” Alfred Austin

Here in Central New York, you need to have a fence around your garden to keep out the deer, rabbits and other critters. My fence is loose and needs to be tightened. It is still covered in dead leaves from the spring and needs a raking. It needs to be turned over to ensure the compost gets into it instead of sitting on top of it. These are all things I can do before I rent that tiller. I need to do them now before Alfred Austin takes a look and tells me I am messy, disorganized and falling apart!

Even though the weather is not fully cooperating, I have my list of spring projects going and will start tackling them right away. Yes, even in the snow squalls of April! Regardless of what season Mother Nature shares with us; I am choosing happiness in my garden and getting to work.
Lake Girl