This time of year, I always find myself with more time than usual and it is way too easy to let it slip through my fingers. Although I have a lot more time, it isn’t really mine. I am hanging with Mother Fran in Florida and providing 24 hour care along with my sister. Mom isn’t hard to care for, however, we don’t leave her alone anymore. This means one of us sticks close by all day and all night. I am enjoying my time, but trying to decide if I should schedule activities for myself or simply go with the flow.
Depending on the situation, I embrace both approaches.

My thought of the day, is that regardless of the approach, I need to show up completely in everything I do and in every activity I choose to engage in. Just show up completely. Be my true self by seeking clarification, asking questions, and responding honestly. I need to remember to just show up, by having fun, laughing at myself and embracing the little things in life.
When things are going your way, they are good. There is a flow to the day, week and month. It seems easy to get everything done and even to have time to tackle the bigger projects like self-improvement, stiving toward your goals and community projects. When life is not going your way, it is difficult to get through the day and completing self- care seems overwhelming.

What about when life is in flux, neither good nor bad, just passing by? When life is in flux, it seem like everything is changing and your “True North” is more like “whack-a-mole”. Instead of living life with meaning and purpose, we simply let it pass by. We tackle the obvious issues, put out the daily fires and vedge in front of the television until the need for sleep overcomes us. Some of tackle times like this by scheduling everything, so we feel like we are accomplishing something. Others just wing it and let the days pass by and don’t really get anything accomplished.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.“
Yogi Berra
Simple responding to the issues that life throws at us it like accepting a one-way ticket to nowhere. That is not how I want to live my life. I have come to learn however that trying to keep busy with little things is just another way to avoid change.

What if we found a way to settle in to the change instead of wrapping ourselves in a blanket and settling into our comfort zones?
For the rest of my time in Florida, I will continue to schedule some activities like earning my Continuing Education Credits for my Occupational Therapy License and working on my goals for my business. But for the rest of my day, my plan is to simply show up completely. Greet Mother Fran and the day with a huge smile and a friendly “good morning”. Play the fourth round of Canasta with the same eagerness as the first. Walk around the block with Fenway enjoying the sun on my face and the quietness of the day.
What are you going to show up for today?
Lake Girl

Huh. I could have written this post! I am fighting the “simply checking another day off the calendar” feeling. I know I need to change back to thriving. But for now, I feel like I’m merely surviving.
I’d love it if you’d do more writing on this. I’ve missed you.
Thanks for reading. Just showing up is helping me and it feel authentic!
Hi Lake Girl! Enjoying your brilliance!
Bonnie B
Thanks for checking out my blog!