My website has been giving me some trouble since the middle of December and I finally got everything squared away! Hope you didn’t miss me too much!

I just returned home from a month long visit with Mother Fran this week. I did the drive from Florida to Upstate NY in 2 days. It was long but bearable and I had plenty of time to think, ponder and daydream. Sometimes when I have too much time to think, I get caught up in negativity or “Stinking Thinking” but that didn’t happen this trip. I stayed upbeat and positive and was happy to be returning home to my honey.
During the drive, I got caught up in trying to remember the “Four Agreements”. The fact that I couldn’t remember all of them tells me I have not been using them as my guidebook to life. When I got home, I reviewed them and immediately felt like I was regaining my personal power over my life and how I handle it.

I don’t have a lot of time today so if you want to read more… Check out my post on the Four Agreements from a few years ago!
Instructions for Life – The book that gave me these instructions has had a huge impact on how I lead my life. Reading my summary of the book in my journal and my post on it was just the reminder I needed to live my life right.
I hope you are all staying happy and health!
Lake Girl