I have been silent here on My Little Blue Kayak for several weeks. Nothing is wrong, nothing is new. I have been in a good head space and enjoying my time in sunny Florida with Mother Fran and my sister (#7). My days consist of walking in the sunshine, playing cards, watching the birds, sitting outdoors and hanging with Mom. I don’t miss the cold of Upstate, NY and I certainly don’t miss shoveling snow or layering up to walk out the front door. With that said, my time in Florida is winding down and I am getting excited to hug my honey and spend time together.

Over the last few weeks, I have practised the art of relaxation and I think I have gotten the hang of it. I have been sleeping really good and only get up when Mom rings her bell for me. I sit on the the porch and watch the ducks and birds in the pond. I have read three books and am almost finished with the fourth. These are the books I read: “Start Where You Are” by Pema Chodron, “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown, “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown and I am in the middle of “Effortless Healing” by Dr. Mercola.
I have been using Child #1’s New York Public Library account to download books to her old Ipad. I have done some actualy reading on it but mostly I have enjoyed the audio books. I am on a wait list now to read “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle which I learned about on a Brene Brown podcast. Using the Ipad is new for me and I am enjoying it. I am way behind (happily) on learning new technologies!

I have filed my taxes, learned how to report sales tax collected to New York State and am about to tackle how to pay estimated tax to the IRS. I may not be great with technology but I keep learning!
I was getting slack with my healthy eating plan and enjoyed a bit too much frozen yogurt, bread and sugary sweets. I have managed to reign myself in will hopefully return home fully back on track!
Usually when I go this long without writing it means anxiety and worry is taking over. You know those times when all of your thoughts are negative and swirl about your head constantly? These are the times when Stinking Thinking is in charge and we forget how to regain our power. I am happy to report this is not true this time. I haven’t been writing because I have been busy, being happy.
It is really wonderful to feel grateful for something as it occurs, instead of after it has ended. I am incredibly lucky to get this time with Mother Fran. I spent most of my adult life living far away from home and I missed my Mom!
I love listening to her whistle and occasionally sing. I love her silly retorts and faces when I make a fun comment. Recently I said to her, “you look like a million bucks”. Her quick reply was “I feel like a dollar”. Yesterday I said “I got your shoes”. She raised both feet in the air and said “I’ve got feet”. Growing up I remember thinking my Mom had no sense of humor. Let me tell you it has blossemed in her old age.
So yes, I have been silent…
Silent and quite happy! Gratitude has taken over and life is pretty darn good here in My Little Blue Kayak! What are you grateful for?
Choose happiness!

Lake Girl
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, have you read that one?
So glad Grandma is doing good! Miss you all!!
I will have to check it out! So many books… so little time!