Would your life be different if money was not a concern? Would you be different? How would things be different? Would you behave differently? Would you still be you? So many questions this morning. Sometimes when I read books or listen to podcasts I take notes so I can go back and review them at my leisure. This can be the catalyst for a blog post, for some introspection and for some inspiration.
I was checking out a document on my computer that I saved under the title – “Things I Want to Do” and the first section looked like this:

If $ Was No Concern, I would love to:
- Visit Alaska
- Visit National Parks
- Spend part of the winter somewhere warm and fun
- Travel to Costa Rica
- Learn Tai Chi and/or Yoga
- Live on a lake with a fireplace
- Create my own beautiful yard
- Have my blog be profitable
- Go on a kayak/bike adventure with my honey
- Be an excellent ping pong player
We often use money as an excuse for not doing something we claim we want to do. It is true that money is an important tool to getting what we want out of life but it is not the only tool available. As a tool, it can be used in a variety of ways to help us reach our goals. How we choose to earn money, spend money, save and invest money all have a impact on how much is available to address our needs as well as our wants.

I spent 20 plus years working for the same company. Most of that time, my job didn’t pay well and the benefits were just okay. I saved a little, spent a little and invested a little. Mother Fran was my early financial mentor so I always had enough to cover my monthly bills and a bit set aside for emergencies. But for some reason the thought of leaving that job to pursue another in order to increase my income didn’t really occur to me! I did meet some pretty amazing people some of whom are still my close friends.
I digress – if money was not a concern what would you love to do? Make a list of your top 10 things. Hell list out your top 20 or 50 or even 100! This is a day dreaming type of exercise afterall! Really do it now, it only takes 5 minutes. After jotting down the list above, I remember staring at it and thinking “what can I do now? What can I do today to get one step closer to each of these 10 things?
Then there was one of those AHA moments where I kicked my ass into gear and made another list! It looked like this:

Next step for each of these:
- Talk to my niece about her internship (in Alaska)
- Read up on National Parks and pick 3 to start learning more about
- Spend 1 week this year in Florida – increase time in warm climate next year
- Email Linda(an acquaintance of my honey’s) who owns a home in Costa Rica
- Do the yoga DVD at home that you have
- Help Child #7 (my sister) with her outdoor kitchen idea at the lake
- Continue to research for outdoor kitchen and yard ideas for home
- Reach out to 1 blogger who has posted about earning money from their site.
- Talk to my honey about bike/kayak trip.
- Play ping pong at the YMCA
Figuring out the first step for each item on my list cost me nothing. What it did do was help me realize that my dreams were possible and that I could complete some of them sooner than I thought.
Where I stand today on these dreams:

- My honey and I traveled to Alaska in September 2017 with 3 of my family members.
- In 2018, we traveled to Acadia National Park with Number 9 and his wife. This year, we went to Shanendoa National Park and spent a day with Child #2 and Child #3. We also got to visit one of my nephews and his wonderful family.
- Last year, we spent 1 month traveling South to get away from the cold, ice and snow of the Finger Lakes. We visited nieces, nephews, friends of my honey’s. We stayed several weeks with Mother Fran and Child #7, and got to spend time with my brother, Child #5.
- I have not been to Costa Rica yet although I did reach out to someone who has a home there.
- I completed a 3 month Tai Chi class and learned the series of 108 moves!
- I continue to live in suburbia but I spend lots of time at Mother Fran’s lake house in the summer months.
- My yard is a work in progress. My honey had new patio built and a new garden bed built for me. I expanded the existing flower bed and hope to plant a vine that will grow up a trellis in the coming year.
- I have done nothing to monetize my blog but continue to create good (hopefully) content.
- Bike/kayak adventure – In 2019, we kayaked in 4 locations in Florida, 3 of the Finger Lakes in NY and on a small lake in PA. We biked on the Erie Canal in May and several times on a path closer to home.
- Ping Pong – I can’t say I have gotten any better but continue to love the game. I did go to the YMCA once to play with others but did not enjoy playing in that environment. I prefer playing with my honey in our garage.
“Sometimes not doing what we think we want to do is less about money and more about inertia!”
Lake Girl @ My Little Blue Kayak
Let’s go back to my original question. If money was no concern, what would you love to do?
Spending 50-10 minutes on this exercise might just propel you to take the first step toward reaching some of your dreams, and then another…
Lake Girl