I Appreciate You!

In the middle of November, I did my annual trek south for the winter. I never planned on becoming a snow bird; it just kind of happened. I have been coming to Florida for at least a month each winter for the last 4 or 5 years to help take care of Mother Fran. When she passed away in October, it dawned on me that I didn’t have to go south, however, I realized that I wanted to!

In the past, I hung out with Mom each day, playing cards and doing puzzles. Once a week or so, we would hit a local park, beach or nature preserve to enjoy the scenery and the sunshine. I had lots of family time but I didn’t interact with any Floridians.

I would like to meet this Floridian! Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay

This year has been different. I knew I wanted to go to Florida but didn’t know what to do when I got there. I know myself well enough to understand that sitting around doing nothing wouldn’t work for me. I tend to get anxious with too much down time and having no plans for several months wouldn’t work for me. So, before I left NY, I followed in my brother’s footsteps (Number 9) and got myself hired as an Independent Contractor doing grocery deliveries for Walmart and other stores.

Now I interact with Floridians on a daily basis and am learning some of the colloquialisms that make their way into casual conversations. My favorite so far is “I appreciate you”. I hear this fairly often and it makes me smile every time. They don’t say, “I appreciate it”, they say, “I appreciate you”. For some reason this really resonates with me. I don’t think I have ever uttered those words to anyone in my entire life, much less to a total stranger.

I hope we can all appreciate our differences Image by Pexels from Pixabay

We are living in a divided country, splintered by race, gender, politics and socio-economic status. There is pressure by the media, family and friends to identify with one group or another and to always (100% of the time) side with this group no matter how outrageous the claims. I identify as a daughter, sister, aunt, niece and friend as well as a middle-age, gay, white woman who is a registered independent.

I appreciate those of you who check in with your heart, brain and gut before clicking and sharing social media posts. Without that simple check, we inadvertently offend or cause harm to someone we love, have loved or may love in the future (such as a co-worker, friend, or partner we havent’ yet met or to a grandchild that hasn’t yet been born). Without that simple check we more fimly align ourselves with one group or another and at the same time push away family and friends without even knowing it.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

I appreciate each and every one of you who cried for Damar Hamlin, the Buffalo Bills player who collapsed and needed CPR on the football field. It didn’t matter that he was young, black, a Bills player. All that mattered was he was badly hurt and we all felt his pain as if he was our child. Knowing so many others felt love, empathy and compassion for a complete stranger gives me hope for our future.

So, I appreciate you, all of you. This world needs all of us to share our love, compassion and empathy.

Lake Girl

Image by Marcela from Pixabay

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