You know that feeling when you are on a roll? When everything is flowing along and all is good? When it feels like you can do nothing wrong? For the last few months, I have not been on a roll… I feel rather out of sync lately and not in the groove. I have been in kind of a weird head space where I am not being negative in there but certainly not smelling the roses either! I have to shake this feeling and get back on track.

I have been pretty busy, however not busy enough, to justify why some of my good habits have fallen by the way side. I have not been practicing what I preach here at My Little Blue Kayak and I am a bit worse off for it. One of the good habits I have dropped is writing for 5 minutes a day. Remember when I said 5 minutes was easy? Well, I meant it but I still managed to skip it for the last few months. I don’t really mind that I haven’t posted in a while, I don’t really care that I haven’t been writing. The real issue is writing is my therapy, it is how I sort out my thoughts, how I stay on track. Not dedicating those 5 minutes a day to this endeavor has contributed in a major way to my NOT being on a roll lately!
So today, I decided it was time to write. Hopefully this will help me sort out the swirling thoughts that are competing for my attention but not getting resolved. Maybe it will force me to face the thoughts I have been avoiding and quiet the ones that have been raging. A lot of what is going on in my head is not ready to be shared with anyone… it needs some refining before I publish it for the world to see!

In addition to writing, my quiet time has taken a hit lately. I still sit quietly every day but it seems more of a struggle than normal. I am lucky I can pull off six minutes; when I strive for twelve. This has begun to improve the last couple of weeks and that helped nudge my kayak back on the path of health, wealth and happiness.
Today, I was reading a blog post by James Clear, in it he stated:
One of the hardest things about improving your life is remembering to practice what you’ve learned in a moment of temptation, frustration, or hardship. Anyone can follow a strategy as they read about it, but remembering to stick with it in the real world is tough.
James Clear
The man read my mind! He diagnosed my problem without ever having met me! I have lots of strategies I have developed or learned about over the last few years. I just haven’t been following them lately. Time to get my act together! If you haven’t heard of him, I suggest you check out his blog at this link!
While you read some of James Clear’s advice, I am going to develop (or review) some strategies to shift gears and get myself out of this rut. Let me know what you think about him!
Choose Happiness!
Lake Girl

As they would say in the UK, you are dead spot on. Here’s hoping your six minutes gets to twelve and then twenty. Stick to it, you can do it.
Thanks for reading!
Glad to have the blog again today. Thinking about you and knowing you’ll find your way through this
Thanks for being a MLBK fan! I’m fine – just in deep thought!