I don’t know how Mother Fran and Papa Jack did it but they managed to raise 9 kids who all love to read. How does that happen? In 2019, I had a goal to read at least 20 books. I am happy to report I easily met this goal. At the beginning of the year, I tracked the days I read for at least 5 minutes but no longer bother to do this. That helped me get in the reading habit and now the habit is firmly established! I thought I would share the books I read and put them into my favorite categories. Yup, you guessed it! Health, wealth and happiness!

Health Related Books
- Your Personal Paleo Code – Chris Kresser
- Brain Fog Fix – Mike Dow
- Longevity Village – John Day, Jane Day
- The Hundred Year Lie, How Food and Medicine are Destroying Your Health – Fitzgerald
- The Third Plate – Dan Barber
- The Microbiome Solution – Chutkan
- Grain Brain – Dr. Perlmutter
- Wheat Belly – Dr. Davis
- The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth about Losing Weight, Being Healthy… Dr. Schwarzbein
Wealth Related Books
- The Millionaire Messenger – Brandon Burchard
- The One Minute Millionaire, The Enlightened Way to Wealth – Hansen and Allen
Happiness Related Books
- Be Bad First – Erika Anderson
- Playing Big – Tara Mohr
- Hit By a Farm – Friend
- Start Up Your Life – Akbari
- Unstuck – Pema Chodron
- No Time To Lose – Pema Chodron
- Abundance for Beginners: Simple Strategies for Successful Living – Ellen Peterson
- 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People – David Niven

Miscellaneous (Coaching, Leadership…)
- Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills – Michael K. Simpson
- Small Message, Big Impact – Terry Sjodin
- The Coaching Habit – Stanier
- The Undoing Project – Michael Lewis
- Walk Out Walk On – Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze
- The Medici Effect: What Elephants and Epidemics Can Teach Us about Innovation – Johannson
Most of the books, I read were actually in book format. I like to hold a book and turn the pages. Most of them were borrowed from the library and returned. I did buy some books this year at our local book sale where you can purchase books for around two bucks! I haven’t experimented with reading on my laptop but think I will give it a try when I go away this winter. A few of the books were audio books as I have learned to enjoy listening to books on tape over the last few years. I am currently in the middle of reading 2 books and have 2 more set aside for when the mood strikes! The pile on my dresser and night stand never seems to dwindle!
Reading is an awesome way to gain knowledge and increased knowledge leads to improved health, wealth and happiness. And that is what we are all about here at My Little Blue Kayak! In 2020 I think I can double my goal to 40 books! How about you?
Keep Paddling!
Lake Girl

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay