I am a 50 something year old woman who is learning to embrace the gray by being comfortable in my own skin and by letting go of societal expectations regarding what success, work, and retirement looks like. Several years ago, I took 2 months off to hang with Fran after hip surgery. After those 2 months, I went back to full-time work as an Occupational Therapist in a Skilled Nursing Facility. But I returned a different person with a whole new set of priorities in life. My biggest goal became moving back to the Finger Lakes so I could be near my family, my honey and the lake.

I decided that I would work from September through April and then move back to New York. My goal was to take at least 6 months off to spend at the lake and recharge my batteries. To make that happen though, I had to choose wealth with every decision I made.
I had to pay off my car, get 6 months ahead in my school loan payments and in my cottage contribution. I needed to set aside enough money for a new apartment (first, last and security), and I needed 6 months of cash socked away to live off of while I relaxed at the lake.
I needed to learn to choose wealth with each and every decision I made and it was one of the easiest things I have ever done. It was easy because I had a reason to change my spending habits. It was easy because reaching my goal of quitting and moving back to the lake was more important to me than buying anything new or holding onto used stuff.

Changing my relationship with money was easy as I prepared to quit my job and return home after 20 years because I understood exactly WHY I needed to change. My decision to return to the Finger Lakes was made while taking quiet time and having an AHA moment. This was one of the only major life decisions I have ever made without questioning myself and agonizing over whether it was the right choice.
I have come to learn that in order to truly change you need to let go of old habits and develop new ones. You need to learn to think creatively about new solutions to meet your needs. In essence, doing what you have always done will never lead to change or to making lasting progress on your goals.
If you want to choose health by quitting smoking, losing weight or mastering yoga… Figure out your BIG WHY!
If you want to choose wealth by maxing out your IRA, paying off your school loans or getting out of credit card debt… Figure out your BIG WHY!
If you want to choose happiness by leaving a toxic relationship, taking a dream vacation, or retiring early… Figure out your BIG WHY!

Read 5 Steps To Take Your Goals to a New Level to help you figure out your BIG WHY.
Read No, No Way, Hell No, Nope Not Going to Do it to see how getting to my BIG WHY made reaching my financial goals in preparation to move a breeze.
If you are finding it impossible to change, figure out your BIG WHY. Understanding the BIG WHY for the change you want to make will make actually changing so much easier. This is true for any big change that you want to make. Figuring out your BIG WHY will take time, effort and a bit of creativity – but trust me it is worth it!
Lake Girl