I use this blog as my therapy. There, I said it – my secret is out. I don’t write for you or for my friends or family. I write this blog for me. I write to keep myself sane. I write to figure out how to solve big and small problems. I write to make better decisions day in and day out. If you follow this blog at all, you know that I have been slacking lately. One of my goals for 2018 was to average six posts per month. I am currently averaging less than four. Oops – time to get back on track.

When I get busy, I get caught up in what needs to happen in any given day, week or month. I tend to get stuck in work mode and just keep running on the treadmill of getting stuff done. Unfortunately, some of the most important things get a little lost in the harried pace. Honestly I don’t even think I have been overly busy – I have just lost focus (again)!
I had one of my AHA moments the other day. You know one of those moments where a thought or any idea pops into your head in a crystal clear fashion? During this AHA moment – the thought that popped into my head was writing my weekly blog posts is my therapy. It is a gift I give to myself. It is the gift that keeps giving! When I am feeling stuck, I go read some old posts about getting out of a rut. When I am just off, I read about the things I do to stay on track.
The fact that my weekly (sometimes 2x weekly) posts have dwindled to 2 per month is a sure sign that I have not been performing at my peak. It is like skipping the bulk of your therapy sessions over several months. What I realized was without writing (as my therapy) I tend to get caught up in more negativity than usual. I get stuck in a rut of my own making and stinking thinking starts to take up residence in my mind. I start to dwell on small aches and pains but don’t do anything about them.
This AHA moment made me think about what other forms of therapy do people engage in that help keep them in a good head space. There is actual therapy where people go to a professional to talk about life and get some guidance. There is informal therapy where we use a close friend or family member for the same purpose.

Some people journal or write a blog to help them process (in writing) small and big issues. Some people draw as an outlet to express themselves. Some use getting out into nature to relax and to take the weight off of their shoulders Some dance, engage in intense exercise or sing. Some throw their kayak in the lake for a quick paddle. How about going to yoga, Tai Chi or acupuncture?
All of these are great ways to keep on top of your game in order to perform at your best. I think the more forms of informal therapy we practice the better off we are. Some days I can sit with the computer in front of me but am unable to write a word. Luckily, I can simply grab my coat and my dog and head out into the woods for a brisk walk. I have hit the local arboretum twice this month and the fall colors are amazing!

Some people don’t do any formal or informal types of therapy. They have no one to talk to discuss life’s problems. They don’t get introspective with a journal or a blog. They don’t purposefully get outside to clear their head. They have no creative outlets or ways to physically blow off steam. I think this is a recipe for an unhealthy lifestyle. When negativity takes ahold, they have no way to dislodge it and it festers. It gnaws its way into their head and into their heart and to their vital organs. Negativity is toxic and I don’t need it in my life.

What you do stay positive, to stay healthy, to stay sane? I encourage you to figure out what you do and find ways to do more of those things. If you don’t have any informal types of therapy you engage in – maybe it is time to put one or two in your toolbox!

Lake Girl