The small things you do daily matter. They either push you towards health, wealth and happiness or they push you away. If you believe this (as I do), than you understand that creating daily habits that push you in the right direction is critical to staying on the path. The small things either create a more resilient you or they don’t.
People who are resilient weather the bad days more easily than people who are not. They get back up when life circumstances or the playground bully knocks them down. They goof up on day three of a 10 day challenge and start over. They wake up in the morning and are ready to face the day. They don’t throw in the towel until the game is over.

Resilience is:
“an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change”
“able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions“
If three people get bit by a tick and get infected – they don’t have the same experience. One of them might experience a decrease in energy, some minor fatigue and then bounce back. Not even realizing they were exposed to Lyme disease. The second person might get full blown Lyme, get treated and make a recovery. The third person might get treated for Lyme but never fully recover, suffering from chronic Lyme for years.
I am not a doctor, not an expert in Lyme… But it occurs to me that one of the differences in these people is that the first person was more resilient. Prior to the tick bite, their body was functioning well with normal levels of inflammation and hormones. They were primed to fight that tick bite and easily weather the effects. The other two people were less resilient. Prior to the tick bite their body was dealing with chronic inflammation and hormone levels that were out of whack. They were not ready to deal with the tick bite or the after effects.
I write about making daily decisions to keep us on the path towards health, wealth and happiness. It occurs to me that these daily decisions make us resilient. They help us weather the storm. They make us stronger. Being resilient decreases the consequences when difficult conditions occur.
I encourage you to pick 1 or 2 simple habits that push you toward health and adopt them today. They will increase your resiliency when life knocks you down.

I listened to a podcast recently that made the case that people who are getting hospitalized with COVID19 are already suffering from conditions that are associated with chronic inflammation. You can check it out here. Meaning they are dealing with chronic inflammation prior to being exposed to the virus. Chronic inflammation is associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and a host of other conditions. These people have a much greater chance of ending up in the hospital with COVID19 versus suffering and recovering at home. Perhaps they are less resilient?
So don’t suffer the consequences… Increase your resilience.
We can all fight inflammation with the daily decisions we make. We can feed our bodies food that nourishes it, foods that are anti-inflammatory, foods that promote health. Or we can feed it foods that promote inflammation, foods that cause hormonal imbalance, foods that put us on the path to obesity, poor health and disease.

What is it going to be?
I got interested in foods that cause chronic inflammation several years ago when I completed my first Whole30. You can learn more in these posts. My Whole30 Experiment, Rocking the Whole30, and Whole30, Mission Complete. Changing my diet with the Whole30 has changed my life and my health. The post titled Revolutionizing the Health Puzzle with Detective Work discusses inflammation in more detail.
Increasing resiliency also applies to our finances and our happiness. More on that at another time…
Choose health – what will that one daily habit be?
Lake Girl