Writing annual goals is a great way to ensure you are living life according to your own terms. Living life in a way that is meaningful to you. Living a life that keeps you on your own personal path. Sharing my goals with you keeps me accountable and on my path of health, wealth and happiness. I also secretly hope to inspire you to strategize your own life by figuring out what is really important to you, how you want to live and developing a path to get there.
As always, I categorize my goals into 3 sections titled health, wealth and happiness. Here are my 2020 goals. You can read about what is most important to me on my Start Here Page.

Health Goals
- Complete a minimum of 5 minutes of exercise daily for 90% of days.
- Complete a Health Care Proxy (I keep ignoring this one)
- Get a physical and accompanying blood work completed
- Complete a Whole30 or similar program
- Shop at local farm stands, farmer’s markets for fresh produce
- Plant a second crop for early spring or late summer produce and/or join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm.
Wealth Goals
- Max out ROTH IRA ($7000)
- Max out Health Savings Account (HSAP ($3450)
- Contribute $6000 to non-retirement funds
- Surpass 2018 income level (my best year since I left full time work)
- Complete all CEU’s necessary to renew my Occupational Therapy license in 2021.

Happiness Goals
- Read 40 books (yup, I doubled it from 2019)!
- Visit at least 2 National Parks
- Add a second quite time/meditation on at least 85% of days this year
- Visit Mother Fran in Florida for an extended stay
- Average 5 blog posts per month
- Spend time in nature by enjoying at least 10 different parks, forests, beaches
- Kayak in 3 new places
- Update my bucket list (things I want to do before I kick the bucket)
- Share compliments that I hear at work and in my personal life with the person they are intended for (not sure how I will measure this one)
- Volunteer for an organization/cause that I support for at least 8 hours

My 2020 goals are still a work in progress. I seem to not dream big enough in my annual goals and that frustrates me. I want to balance optimism with realism to come out with goals that I believe are achievable. However when I read them, I realize I err on the side of caution; maybe I am simply afraid of failure.
If I reach all of these goals, 2020 will be a decent year. I’m simply not sure decent is good enough! After I wrote that last sentence, I dug a little deeper and added the bucket list goal and the goal to volunteer. Dream Big my friends, way bigger than me! Maybe when I complete my bucket list, I will add a few juicy goals to spice things up!
Some ideas to get you started on strategizing your life!
What do you dream about? I challenge you! I challenge you-2
I hope 2020 is an awesome year for all of us!
Lake Girl