The holidays are over and winter stretches ahead like a long, dark, daunting tunnel with only 1 exit. I can choose to keep my head low, plod along muttering about the arctic cold and wind or I can sit back and enjoy the warmth of the fireplace and the good company I keep. I remind myself frequently that my perspective on any given situation makes all of the difference. If my perspective does not keep me on the path I have chosen then it is time to change it!
Work has been slow for the last week which is no big deal, however I have to stop myself from getting anxious about an upcoming tiny paycheck. When I don’t work a typical 9-5 gig it is easy to lose focus, forget why I work per diem instead of harnessing the security of a full-time job.

I have worked hard to get to this point in my life, where I am not dependent on full-time work at one location to meet my financial needs. I prefer the flexibility that I get from my per-diem work and enjoy my side hustles that bring in extra cash to ensure I reach my financial goals.
Instead of focusing on the lack of work this week, I decided to map out my days to focus on my goals. I opened up my Google Calendar and scheduled time to work on blog posts, to promote my blog on the internet and to study for my health coach exam. I changed my perspective from useless worrying to focusing my time and energy on productive tasks that help me reach my goals.
If you enjoy my posts, please hit the JOIN ME button on the right hand side of my home page and share your favorite posts on Facebook by hitting the Facebook icon at the bottom of the post. This will help me to promote my blog and I can use all of the help I can get to reach this goal.
I literally blocked off time on my calendar for each of these tasks as a reminder of what I should be doing instead of wasting time surfing the internet, checking out Facebook and puttering around the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love to do all of these things but they don’t help me reach my goals. I remembered to schedule what was important and that keeps me on track.

I am in week 2 of my Whole30 and I can choose to complain about not being able to drink beer, order pizza or make a sandwich or I can cook amazingly delicious meals using real food that my honey and I love. I don’t know how many of you have joined me on my January Whole30 but I hope each and every one of you are focused on what you can vs what you cannot eat. It makes the journey so much more enjoyable. It isn’t too late to start your own Whole30 journey, join me here!
I know of 8 of us who are doing this Whole30 together; we have been texting, calling and emailing questions, meal ideas and encouragement to each other. We could be complaining, moaning and crying but that would be taking a perspective that does not support our goals. If you don’t have a handle on WHY you are changing your eating habits than you increase the likelihood that you will not succeed. Understanding your WHY on any decision helps to reinforce your commitment and that increases your success.

When I decided to learn Tai Chi, I mapped out my WHY in this post. Understanding my WHY helped me to complete the 4 month Tai Chi class and to learn all 108 moves. I am planning on taking another class soon to continue my progress.
Are you struggling with staying on the path that will help you reach your health, wealth or happiness goals? Sit down with a cup of tea, a pen and a piece of paper (or your fancy lap top computer) and ask yourself WHY is your goal important. Then ask yourself WHY that reason is important and then ask yourself WHY that reason is important. You will know when you have your real reason. It will literally be staring you in the face!
Every time you find yourself wandering aimlessly instead of following your dreams, remind yourself of your WHY. Review what you wrote down, read it out loud and change your perspective to get back on the path you have chosen. Writing this blog is one way I document my success as well as my trouble staying on my path toward health, wealth and happiness. I can go back and read old posts and see my WHY staring me in the face! Thanks for reading.

Lake Girl
You really have a great attitude! I enjoyed reading your post partly because it was upbeat in spite of the fact you could have lamented a lot about the cold, dark days and the refraining from beer and pizza. I have to admit, the thought of no beer or pizza gave me a little shudder, but you soldiered through that with a sunny outlook. Just thought that was cool.
Thanks Steven! Sometimes my posts are really a reminder to myself to stay on my path of happiness despite whatever curve ball life throws at me! No pizza or beer for 15 more days! Enjoy one for me! Lake Girl