2019 is in full swing and it is time I finalized my annual goals. I try to live my life strategically, spending as much time figuratively and literally in my happy place (My Little Blue Kayak) where I make my best decisions in pursuit of health, wealth and happiness. When sitting in my kayak, I can really see my life. I can see how it mirrors the life I want to be living and where it comes up a bit short! Writing annual goals is one way I try to make course corrections to keep me on my path. I use health, wealth and happiness as my goal categories and loosely define them as:

Choosing Health: To me means I eat healthy food (not processed) that I make myself (not microwave from the freezer). It means I grow some of my own vegetables as nothing beats a fresh tomato from the garden. It means I strive to be physically capable of doing any activity I set my mind to.
Choosing Wealth: To me means I live debt free. I spend my money wisely and in alignment with my values. It means I prioritize my future by having an emergency fund, contributing as much as possible to my retirement funds and health savings account. It means I have a few different income streams to supplement my per diem work as an Occupational Therapist.
Choosing Happiness: To me means I work a flexible schedule that allows me ample opportunity to play in my kayak, sit in the sun, read, write, play ping pong with my honey and to enjoy my life. It means I take time every morning to close my eyes, quiet my mind and listen to the AHA moments of insight that I often experience. It means I choose to listen to my inner optimist and not the voice of my inner pessimist or the negativity of others.

Lake Girl’s 2019 Goals:
Improve gut issues as evidenced by a decline in my symptoms from a current subjective rating of 5/10 to 1/10.
Get all recommended blood work done
Complete a Whole30
Fill out the Health Care Proxy Form and share it with my Doctor
Contribute $3500 to Non-Retirement accounts
Max out my Roth IRA $7000
Max out my Health Savings Account $3400
Increase car fund to $3000
Maintain income at 2018 level (despite the 1 month vacation)
Set up beneficiaries for all accounts
$500 set aside for lightweight kayak
Travel south for 1 month to visit family and friends (get away from Winter)
Kayak in 5 different places
Go on 2 bike/kayak/hike weekends away from home with my honey
Earn 15 CEU’s for my Occupational Therapy License
Health Coach 6 people (1:1 or group)
Read 20 books
Keep a Gratitude Journal
Increase blog visitor stats by 10% over 2018 and post an average of 5x per month

I think my goals for 2019 will keep my paddling toward health, wealth and happiness! Sharing them here (publicly) helps keep me accountable! Feel free to share your most important goals for 2019 in the comment section. We can hold each other accountable as the year progresses. If you have trouble really seeing how you want to be living your life, taking quiet time daily is a great way to start. Just sit in a quiet place, close your eyes an breathe for a while. It can work wonders!
Lake Girl