As of January 1, 2021, I will officially be a business owner. How cool is that? I have filed all of the papers, opened the bank account, and obtained my Employer Identification Number. I am learning an accounting program where I can also create invoices and researching APPS to track my mileage. I still have to figure out how to collect and track sales tax and file that information with the government. But Nors Chores is official!

For some reason every step of the way has been a struggle. I put off each and every task as if I would get burned if I touched it. The funny thing is, everything has been super easy too. The only real struggle was internally. I was afraid, I was nervous, I was anxious; so I procrastinated. I got pretty good at procrastinating!
Fear can be a healthy response to a dangerous situation, it can prompt us to be cautious when caution is warranted. It can push our body to release chemicals that speed up our heart. This allows us to run faster and harder when being chased. When we are in danger; fear can be a good thing. Our bodies seem to have a similar response when we are stressed out. We get that deer in the headlights look and can’t shake it. Fear can prevent us from making decisions that can get us out of whatever rut we find ourselves stuck in. I was afraid however I was not in danger.

Life tends to teach us the same lessons over and over again until we actually master them. One of my life lessons is to acknowledge my fear and move on. Do it anyway. Take the next step. Just freaking do it. Lesson learned – AGAIN.
Here are a few tips that help me to acknowledge my fear and move on…
Mel Robbins says to count backwards – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – then do it. Do whatever you need to do but are making up every excuse in the book not to do. You can check out her video in tis post. Some ideas to kick fear out of your way.
Michael Hyatt says to ask yourself this question. “What will this make possible?” Asking ourselves this questions forces us to think differently about a situation. Not just how hard something will be in the short term but how good it can be in the long term.
I find journaling helps me to let out all of my fears, face them, laugh at how ludicrous I sound and make better decisions. I literally can fill up pages and pages where I write about how I am feeling about a situation. I don’t write neatly, I don’t edit, I don’t spell check. No one will be reading it other than me! It is a hot messy page but it often helps me get out of my own way. Sometimes just reading it can help me see that I am in fear mode vs decision making mode. I don’t want to live my life afraid. How about you?

What are your procrastinating? What one thing can you do today to step in the direction of your dream? Take that step right now! Even if that first step is picking up a pen to acknowledge your fear. When fear is in control of your kayak- it is impossible to choose happiness!
Lake Girl
Congratulations on whacking down the fear and on becoming a bonified CEO!
Nice play on words there! Thanks for the support.