A few months ago, I wrote about the idea that developing good habits will lead to success. I talked about purchasing an APP called “Productive” that I wanted to use to help me develop better habits. I decided to follow-up on that post to help me stay on track toward reaching some of my 2019 goals!
This year, I have a goal to post an average of 5 blog posts per month. The reason this is important to me is that I find that writing on this blog is one of the tools I use to keep sane! Writing is a form of therapy for me and reaching this goal will help me nurture my mental health.

The first quarter of 2019 is over and so far, I am averaging 4.3 posts per month and I am pretty happy about that number! I was worried that I would slack off while on my Mini-Retirement in February but I managed to stay on top of my weekly posts. Instead of simply tracking how many times I posted on the blog, I tracked the number of days I wrote for at least 5 minutes. 5 minutes is easy. 5 minutes is doable! In January, I wrote for a least 5 minutes a day for 81% of days. Stats like that will help ensure I reach my goal! The APP gives me reminders to write and lets me document when I complete the 5 minute. EASY!
I also have a goal this year to read 20 books. Instead of simply tracking the number of books I finished, I tracked the number of days I read for at least 5 minutes. Once again, 5 minutes is easy. 5 minutes is doable! In February, I read for at least 5 minutes 50% of days. I think I forgot to track several days but even so, I am not thrilled with that number. On the plus side, during the first quarter of 2019, I read 11 books! I think reading 20 books for the year will be pretty simple.

Here is the list of books I read:
- “Your Personal Paleo Code” – Chris Kresser
- “Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills…” – Michael K. Simpson
- “The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune” – Brendon Burchard
- “Be Bad First” – Erika Anderson
- “Brain Fog Fix” – Mike Dow
- “Playing Big” – Tara Mohr
- “Longevity Village”– John Day, Jane Day
- “Small Message, Big Impact” – Terri Sjodin
- “The Coaching Habit: Say less, ask more and change the way you lead forever “– Stanier
- “The Hundred Year Lie – How Food and Medicine are Destroying Your Health” – Fitzgerald
- “The Undoing Project” – Michael Lewis
Reading is a way to never stop learning and that is important for my personal growth! In March, I decided to step it up a notch and began reading before going to bed. By paying better attention and being more deliberate about my reading schedule, I improved and read for 74% of days! I have also listened to several books on tape and that helps too! I go to the library a couple of times per month and browse the shelves. I usually check out 2 books and 2 audio-books. I love my library!
Thomas Corley “Rich Habits”
“Change begins with tracking. Tracking is so powerful that it will change your behavior immediately. Not tomorrow, not next week. Tracking produces immediate change. When you want to change bad habits or add new habits, tracking will make that happen. Tracking works because when you do it, it automatically calls into action three important success traits: self-assessment, mindfulness (being self-aware or what you’re doing) and accountability. The beauty of tracking is that you can create a tracking schedule for just about any activity you want to start, stop or reduce.”
With that in mind, what habit do you want to start, stop or reduce? How will you track it to increase your odds of success? You can track habits on paper, on a computer, on an APP – just track it and you will be on the path to success!
Lake Girl