Why Get Out of Bed at 91?

In an earlier post, I talked about the Health Puzzle and what each of its pieces looks like. That post stressed that in order to live a truly healthy life, it is critical that we address each area! One important pieces of this puzzle is “Engaging in Meaningful Activities”. I can’t imagine what life would look and feel like if the only activity I enjoyed was watching the boob tube. Don’t get me wrong, I have my favorite shows but there is nothing that I watch that I would seriously miss if my television mysteriously blew up!

The activities that are meaningful for me are unique to me and the activities that are meaningful to you are unique to you. What I find meaningful, you may find frivolous or unimaginative. What is meaningful for you, I might not value or see as silly. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, it matters what you think. What activities bring you joy? What activities make you feel alive. What tasks do you find fully engaging?

Eating and Sleeping is not enough!                     Image by suju from Pixabay

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Nudge the Happy Needle

On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you? What would it take to move that number to the right 1 or 2 digits? Seriously what would it take? Would you need to win the lottery? Would a vacation to a beach resort do it? How about coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table?

These all seem like they would help, however in reality, I am willing to bet they don’t move the needle in the right direction for more than a hot minute. Winning the lottery is out of my control and as I rarely even bother to buy a ticket it, is not likely to happen. Vacationing in a beach resort sounds great but is not in my budget and although the needle would move, the minute I returned home, I bet it would fall back to its starting point. Coming home to a clean house and dinner on the table – yup that would help. That would even help even if I did all of the work!

Would this help? Image by ardoramanda from Pixabay

Continue reading “Nudge the Happy Needle”

Spring Has Sprung

If you have been reading my recent posts, you know I got away from winter for the entire month of February but March came in like a lion and left like a lion. We had lots of snowy days with minimal accumulation in March. It would look ferocious outside but when I left to drive home at the end of my shift there would be nothing to brush off my car much less to shovel! I guess if we have to deal with winter, this isn’t half bad!

On April 7, my honey and I drove to the cottage for the first time this year. I always approach this day with an odd mix of excitement and dread. Mostly excitement but still a healthy dose of fear! I never know if the driveway will be passable and if there will be damage to the house or to my beloved “condo”. Luckily, there were no real issues this year and we had time for a little bit of raking, lunch on the deck and a quick kayak ride. We wrapped up the day our first visit of 2019 to a favorite ice cream stand. My honey got a chocolate peanut butter cone and I got my soft-serve chocolate with chocolate sprinkles (jimmies to my New England friends).

Sprinkles please! Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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5 Minutes is Easy!

A few months ago, I wrote about the idea that developing good habits will lead to success. I talked about purchasing an APP called “Productive” that I wanted to use to help me develop better habits. I decided to follow-up on that post to help me stay on track toward reaching some of my 2019 goals!

This year, I have a goal to post an average of 5 blog posts per month. The reason this is important to me is that I find that writing on this blog is one of the tools I use to keep sane! Writing is a form of therapy for me and reaching this goal will help me nurture my mental health.

Can you believe this keeps me sane? Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

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