2018 is long gone and it is past time that I took a peek at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year to see how I fared. Overall, I am pleased with how I did and have started the process of writing my 2019 goals. I wonder what it is like to be one of those people who have annual goals written by the beginning of the year. I wonder, but I don’t stress about or even bother to dream about it!
2018 Happiness Goals

Vacation to Acadia National Park– DONE and what an amazing trip! We hiked a lot, had beautiful scenery, stayed at a cute little cottage and shared meals and fun with Number 9 and his wife. My honey had more lobster that week than in the last 5 years.
Take 2 active bike/kayak trips away from home – DONE! We went to Rochester and biked the Erie Canal with my cousin. We also went to Letchworth State Park where we didn’t bike or kayak but had some beautiful walks. We also biked with friends closer to home.
Visit Mother Fran and Child #7 in Florida – DONE!
Visit Mass- DONE!
Buy roof rack and kayak rack – I ended up trading in Sunburst (my orange car and buying a used RAV 4. I have purchased and installed the roof rack and have the money set aside for the kayak rack. (Mostly Done)! This new car is nicknamed “Rainy” and is a beautiful green color.
Pass Health Coach Exam – DONE! I am now a Certified Health Coach.
Average 6 Blog Posts per month and increase traffic to an average of 600 per month – Not met. I got super busy in the summer and didn’t plan well around my vacation to Acadia. I averaged 3.5 posts per month so I didn’t meet this goal.
Complete a 7 Days / 7 Gives – Partially met. I wrote my 2nd Gratitude Letter and sent it which sparked a phone call from the recipient. Yeh! I made a call to a relative that I don’t speak to often which was good for both of us. I made an Occupational Therapy Card Matching Board and donated it to one the Nursing Homes that I work at. I didn’t run out of ideas, I got stuck in my comfort zone again. GRR.

2018 Health Goals

Eye Exam – DONE!
Do a Whole 30– DONE! 30 days of eating real food. 30 days of no alcohol. 30 days of no dairy, gluten or sugar. Eating this way agrees with me!
Health Care Proxy– NOT DONE. I tend to think of myself as young and health care proxy’s and wills are for older people.
Write a will – NOT DONE (see above)
Podiatrist – Addressed this issue without needing the podiatrist and I am satisfied with the result – DONE!
2018 Wealth Goals

$1200 to Cottage Fund for projects – DONE! And as the pump died this year I had $500 to contribute to the new pump without scrounging for cash.
Max out HSA – DONE!
Max out Roth – DONE!
$5000 to Vanguard – DONE!
Health Coach with at least 1 person as new income stream– NOT DONE.
$2400 to Car Fund – DONE! The money I needed to buy the RAV 4 came from the trade in and from my savings account. Glad to report I have already reimbursed myself the $6000 I pulled out of it.
Track every penny – NOT DONE. Why do I keep including this but never even attempting to track my expenses? I am not going to repeat this mistake ever again!
Save $1000 for Fenway’s teeth – DONE! Poor baby had 11 teeth pulled and will need another cleaning in April.

I find setting goals and completing strategic planning exercises fun and illuminating. I have been doing this for the last few year and find that I take cooler vacations, save more money and take better care of my health when I deliberately choose how to use my resources. In 2017 we took a cruise to Alaska, in 2018 a vacation to Acadia National Park. Stay tuned for 2019 plans!
How about you? What goals did you reach in 2018 that you are particularly proud of? Any exciting goals set for 2019? Let me know in the comment section.
Lake Girl

I love this post!! Thank you for putting it out there.
Thanks for reading!
Great job setting and tracking goals! Where’s the “visit NYC at least once a year” goal?
Ha – I guess it is my turn!
Great job setting and tracking goals. Where’s the “visit NYC at least once a year” goal?