OMG 2018 is more than half way over. It is amazing how quickly time zips bye, and if we don’t pay attention, those goals we set way back in January become forgotten. Goals that are written down in January and never looked at again are simply words on a page. They are like wishes, they sound good but are not going to come true without hard work, perseverance and tracking.
It is time to review my goals for the year to check in on my progress. Here in My Little Blue Kayak, I spend my time paddling toward optimized health, wealth and happiness. Therefore, I tend to write goals in these categories. In January, I posted my 2018 goals and you can check them out here. In that post, I also explained how my goals each year, fit into the bigger picture of how I want to live my life strategically. Go check it out if you have the time!
My Health Goals for 2018

Get an Eye Exam – I have not done this yet.
Complete a Whole30 – Done! We completed our third Whole30 in June with good results. Since our first Whole30 back in January of 2017, I have lost a total of 16 pounds and kept it off with ease! In regards to optimizing my health, I think this has had the biggest impact.
Health Care Proxy – I have not done this yet.
Write a Will- Oops, haven’t even thought of this yet!
Podiatrist – Not done, but have been treating my foot issues on my own. I hope not to have to go to the podiatrist at all.
My Wealth (Financial) Goals for 2018

$1200 to Cottage Fund for projects – My cottage fund currently has $700 in it. In addition to this, I contributed $500 towards a new water pump. So, that is the $1200 I planned on. But, I still want to save another $500 so I end the year with $1200.
Max out HSA (Health Savings Account)- DONE!
Max out Roth IRA – DONE!
$5000 to Vanguard non-retirement account – So far I have set aside $2500 toward this account. I am on track to meeting this goal!
Health Coach with at least 1 person as new income stream – Not Done. I had a plan that hasn’t panned out (yet). I actually donated 3 months of health coaching as a silent auction prize. Whoever won the package has not yet claimed their prize.
$2400 to Car Fund – Since January, I have saved $1635 in my car fund and I am on track towards meeting this goal.
Track every penny spent – This seemed like a good idea in January but is not going to happen. I am simply not that detailed oriented. I track every penny earned and every penny saved – I guess I will just do the math!
My Happiness Goals for 2018

Vacation to Acadia National Park with my honey – This trip is all planned for October 2018! I have enough money set aside to pay for my portion of the trip.
Go on 2 bike/kayak trips away from home – So far we rode on the Erie Canal Way in Rochester with my cousin. We biked on 2 consecutive days and covered a good portion of the trail around Lock 32! We even grabbed lunch and a pint at a nearby brewery. Life really is good! Another trip is planned for the end of August.
Visit Mom in Florida at least once – Done! I went in March and hope to go again in December. Plus my honey and I are thinking about driving there this winter for an extended trip away from home. Upstate NY is cold in the winter months.
Visit friends in Massachusetts – Done! I had a 5 day visit in March and got to see many friends.
Buy roof rack and kayak rack for Sun Burst – Done! Now I just have to figure out how to get it on the car!
Pass Health Coach Exam – DONE!!!
Average 6 Blog Posts per month and increase traffic to an average of 600 views per month – I started off pretty good but the summer months have pulled me away from my computer. So far, I have averaged 4 posts and 427 visitors per month. If I want to meet this goal, I better get writing!
Complete a 7 Days / 7 Gives – Not done yet but I still want to tackle this one! Check out the idea here!
I am relatively happy with my progress and now know where I need to focus my attention in order to reach more of my goals. I believe this step is critical in order to make progress on annual goals which is how we grow and develop into the person we want to be. If you haven’t reviewed your goals, I recommend you spent an hour or so to check on your progress. If you don’t have any goals, I sure hope you aren’t stuck in a rut! That is a lousy place to be…
Lake Girl